[Summary] Change request per Igor's request
[ardour.git] / gtk2_ardour / ui / audio_time_axis.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <RouteUI bgnormal="#383838"
4          bgactive="#424242">
5   <Vbox>
6     <EventBox height="1"
7               bgnormal="#494949"
8               bgactive="#494949"/>
9     <EventBox id="upper_drop_indicator"
10               visible="false"
11               noshowall="true"
12               height="2"
13               bgnormal="#1CA3B3"
14               bgactive="#1CA3B3"/>
15     <HBox box.fill="true"
16           box.expand="true">
17       <VBox>
18         <HBox box.expand="true"
19               box.fill="true">
20           <EventBox id="selected_track_color_box"
21                     width="29"
22                     bgnormal="#383838"
23                     bgactive="#5BA55C">
24             <HBox>
25               <!--<Igor! width="2" below is the shift from RIGHT side of the space>-->
26               <VBox width="2" box.pack="end"/>
27               <VBox box.pack="end">
28                 <!--<Igor! height="4" below is the shift from TOP side of the space>-->
29                 <HBox height="4"/>
30                 <Label id="number_label"
31                        text="32"
32                        fgnormal="#BAB9B9"
33                        fgactive="#ffffff"
34                        winfont ="Arial Bold 14"
35                        macfont ="Helvetica Bold 14"/>
36               </VBox>
37             </HBox>
38           </EventBox>
39           <EventBox id="track_color_box" width="6" bgnormal="#5BA55C" bgactive="#5BA55C"/>
40           <EventBox width="1" bgnormal="#000000" bgactive="#000000"/>
41         </HBox>
42       </VBox>
43       <HBox width="108">
44         <!--<Igor! About the track name: height="5" below is the shift from TOP side of the space>-->
45         <HBox width="5"/>
46         <VBox id="name_label_home">
47           <FocusEntry id="name_entry"
48                       width="83"
49                       height="20"
50                       fgnormal="#ffffff"
51                       winfont ="Arial 10"
52                       macfont ="Helvetica 10"
53                       cssname="EditorTrackNameDisplay"
54                       textcolornormal="#acacac"
55                       textcoloractive="#acacac"
56                       textcolorselected="#ffffff"
57                       noshowall="true"
58                       visible="false"/>
59           <HBox height="5"/>
60           <Label id="name_label"
61                  width="83"
62                  winfont ="Arial 10"
63                  macfont ="Helvetica 10"
64                  fgnormal="#acacac"
65                  fgactive="#ffffff"
66                  horzalignment="start"/>
67         </VBox>
68       </HBox>
69       <VBox spacing="1">
70         <HBox spacing="1">
71           <iconbutton id="rec_enable_button"
72                       width="38"
73                       height="16"
74                       normalicon="time_axis_record"
75                       activeicon="time_axis_record_active"
76                       _prelighticon="time_axis_record_prelight"
77                       tooltip="Record Enable"/>
78             <iconbutton id="monitor_input_button"
79                         width="38"
80                         height="16"
81                         normalicon="time_axis_monitor_input"
82                         activeicon="time_axis_monitor_input_active"
83                         _prelighticon="time_axis_monitor_input_prelight"
84                         tooltip="Input Monitoring"/>
85         </HBox>
86         <HBox spacing="1">
87             <iconbutton id="mute_button"
88                         width="38"
89                         height="16"
90                         normalicon="time_axis_mute"
91                         activeicon="time_axis_mute_active"
92                         implicitactiveicon="time_axis_mute_implicit"
93                         _prelighticon="time_axis_mute_prelight"
94                         tooltip="Mute"/>
95             <iconbutton id="solo_button"
96                         width="38"
97                         height="16"
98                         normalicon="time_axis_solo"
99                         activeicon="time_axis_solo_active"
100                         implicitactiveicon="time_axis_solo_safe"
101                         _prelighticon="time_axis_solo_prelight"
102                         tooltip="Solo"/>
103             <EventBox height="" bgnormal="#383838" bgactive="#424242"/>
104         </HBox>
105       </VBox>
106       <HBox visible="false" noshowall="true">
107         <Button id="show_sends_button"/>
108         <Button id="monitor_disk_button"/>
109         <Button id="comment_button"/>
110         <Button id="midi_input_enable_button"/>
111         <Button id="group_button" text="Grp"/>
112         <Button id="route_group_button"/>
113         <Button id="automation_button"/>
114       </HBox>
115       <VBox width="4"/>
116       <VBox  id="gain_meter_home" width="7" />
117     </HBox>
118     <EventBox id="lower_drop_indicator" visible="false" noshowall="true" height="2" bgnormal="#1CA3B3" bgactive="#1CA3B3"/>
119     <EventBox height="1" bgnormal="#000000" bgactive="#000000"/>
120   </Vbox>
121   <iconbutton id="playlist_button"
122       width="21"
123       height="20"
124       normalicon="time_axis_playlist"
125       activeicon="time_axis_playlist"
126       _prelighticon="time_axis_playlist" ui.orphan="true"/>
127   <Button id="master_mute_button" ui.orphan="true"/>
128 </RouteUI>