/* $Id: assistant.hg,v 1.4 2006/06/13 17:16:26 murrayc Exp $ */ /* assistant.h * * Copyright (C) 2004 The gtkmm Development Team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include _DEFS(gtkmm,gtk) _PINCLUDE(gtkmm/private/window_p.h) namespace Gtk { _WRAP_ENUM(AssistantPageType, GtkAssistantPageType) /** A widget used to guide users through multi-step operations. * * A Gtk::Assistant is a widget used to represent a generally complex * operation split into several steps, guiding the user through its * pages and controlling the page flow to collect the necessary data. * * @newin2p10 * @ingroup Dialogs */ class Assistant : public Window { _CLASS_GTKOBJECT(Assistant, GtkAssistant, GTK_ASSISTANT, Gtk::Window, GtkWindow) _UNMANAGEABLE public: _CTOR_DEFAULT() _WRAP_METHOD(int get_current_page() const, gtk_assistant_get_current_page) _WRAP_METHOD(void set_current_page(int page_num), gtk_assistant_set_current_page) _WRAP_METHOD(int get_n_pages() const, gtk_assistant_get_n_pages) _WRAP_METHOD(Widget* get_nth_page(int page_num), gtk_assistant_get_nth_page) _WRAP_METHOD(const Widget* get_nth_page(int page_num) const, gtk_assistant_get_nth_page, constversion) _WRAP_METHOD(int prepend_page(Widget& page), gtk_assistant_prepend_page) _WRAP_METHOD(int append_page(Widget& page), gtk_assistant_append_page) _WRAP_METHOD(int insert_page(Widget& page, int position), gtk_assistant_insert_page) typedef sigc::slot SlotForwardPage; void set_forward_page_func(const SlotForwardPage& slot); _IGNORE(gtk_assistant_set_forward_page_func) _WRAP_METHOD(void set_page_type(const Widget& page, AssistantPageType type), gtk_assistant_set_page_type) _WRAP_METHOD(AssistantPageType get_page_type(const Widget& page) const, gtk_assistant_get_page_type) _WRAP_METHOD(void set_page_title(const Widget& page, const Glib::ustring& title), gtk_assistant_set_page_title) _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::ustring get_page_title(const Widget& page) const, gtk_assistant_get_page_title) _WRAP_METHOD(void set_page_header_image(const Widget& page, const Glib::RefPtr& pixbuf), gtk_assistant_set_page_header_image) _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr get_page_header_image(const Widget& page), gtk_assistant_get_page_header_image) _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr get_page_header_image(const Widget& page) const, gtk_assistant_get_page_header_image, constversion) _WRAP_METHOD(void set_page_side_image(const Widget& page, const Glib::RefPtr& pixbuf), gtk_assistant_set_page_side_image) _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr get_page_side_image(const Widget& page), gtk_assistant_get_page_side_image) _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr get_page_side_image(const Widget& page) const, gtk_assistant_get_page_side_image, constversion) _WRAP_METHOD(void set_page_complete(const Widget& page, bool complete = true), gtk_assistant_set_page_complete) _WRAP_METHOD(bool get_page_complete(const Widget& page) const, gtk_assistant_get_page_complete) _WRAP_METHOD(void add_action_widget(Widget& child), gtk_assistant_add_action_widget) _WRAP_METHOD(void remove_action_widget(Widget& child), gtk_assistant_remove_action_widget) _WRAP_METHOD(void update_buttons_state(), gtk_assistant_update_buttons_state) _WRAP_SIGNAL(void prepare(Gtk::Widget* page), "prepare") _WRAP_SIGNAL(void apply(), "apply") _WRAP_SIGNAL(void close(), "close") _WRAP_SIGNAL(void cancel(), "cancel") //TODO: Child properties? }; } // namespace Gtk