ardour { ["type"] = "dsp", name = "MIDI Monitor", category = "Visualization", license = "GPLv2", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[Display recent MIDIĀ events inline in the mixer strip]] } local maxevents = 20 local ringsize = maxevents * 3 local evlen = 3 local hpadding, vpadding = 4, 2 function dsp_ioconfig () return { { audio_in = 0, audio_out = 0}, } end function dsp_has_midi_input () return true end function dsp_has_midi_output () return true end function dsp_params () return { { ["type"] = "input", name = "Font size", doc = "Text size used by the monitor to display midi events", min = 4, max = 12, default = 7, integer = true }, { ["type"] = "input", name = "Line count", doc = "How many events will be shown at most", min = 1, max = maxevents, default = 6, integer = true }, { ["type"] = "input", name = "Hexadecimal", doc = "If enabled, values will be printed in hexadecimal notation", min = 0, max = 1, default = 0, toggled = true }, { ["type"] = "input", name = "System messages", doc = "If enabled, the monitor will show System Control and Real-Time messages", min = 0, max = 1, default = 0, toggled = true } } end function dsp_init (rate) -- create a shmem space to hold latest midi events -- a int representing the index of the last event, and -- a C-table as storage for events. self:shmem():allocate(1 + ringsize*evlen) self:shmem():atomic_set_int(0, 1) local buffer = self:shmem():to_int(1):array() for i = 1, ringsize*evlen do buffer[i] = -1 -- sentinel for empty slot end end function dsp_run (_, _, n_samples) assert (type(midiin) == "table") assert (type(midiout) == "table") local pos = self:shmem():atomic_get_int(0) local buffer = self:shmem():to_int(1):array() -- passthrough midi data, and fill the event buffer for i, d in pairs(midiin) do local ev = d["data"] midiout[i] = { time = d["time"], data = ev } pos = pos % ringsize + 1 for j = 1, math.min(#ev,evlen) do buffer[(pos-1)*evlen + j] = ev[j] end for j = #ev+1, evlen do buffer[(pos-1)*evlen + j] = 0 end end self:shmem():atomic_set_int(0, pos) self:queue_draw () end local txt = nil -- a pango context local cursize = 0 local hex = nil local show_scm = nil function show_midi(ctx, x, y, buffer, event) local base = (event - 1) * evlen if buffer[base+1] == -1 then return end local evtype = buffer[base + 1] >> 4 local channel = (buffer[base + 1] & 15) + 1 -- for System Common Messages this has no use if evtype == 8 then txt:set_text(string.format("%02u \u{2669}Off" .. hex .. hex, channel, buffer[base+2], buffer[base+3])) elseif evtype == 9 then txt:set_text(string.format("%02u \u{2669}On " .. hex .. hex, channel, buffer[base+2], buffer[base+3])) elseif evtype == 10 then txt:set_text(string.format("%02u \u{2669}KP " .. hex .. hex, channel, buffer[base+2], buffer[base+3])) elseif evtype == 11 then txt:set_text(string.format("%02u CC " .. hex .. hex, channel, buffer[base+2], buffer[base+3])) elseif evtype == 12 then txt:set_text(string.format("%02u PRG " .. hex, channel, buffer[base+2])) elseif evtype == 13 then txt:set_text(string.format("%02u KP " .. hex, channel, buffer[base+2])) elseif evtype == 14 then txt:set_text(string.format("%02u PBnd" .. hex, channel, buffer[base+2] | buffer[base+3] << 7)) elseif show_scm > 0 then -- System Common Message local message = buffer[base + 1] & 15 if message == 0 then txt:set_text("-- SysEx") elseif message == 1 then txt:set_text(string.format("-- Time Code" .. hex, buffer[base+2])) elseif message == 2 then txt:set_text(string.format("-- Song Pos" .. hex, buffer[base+2] | buffer[base+3] << 7)) elseif message == 3 then txt:set_text(string.format("-- Select Song" .. hex, buffer[base+2])) elseif message == 6 then txt:set_text("-- Tune Rq") elseif message == 8 then txt:set_text("-- Timing") elseif message == 10 then txt:set_text("-- Start") elseif message == 11 then txt:set_text("-- Continue") elseif message == 12 then txt:set_text("-- Stop") elseif message == 14 then txt:set_text("-- Active") elseif message == 15 then txt:set_text("-- Reset") end end ctx:move_to (x, y) txt:show_in_cairo_context (ctx) end function render_inline (ctx, displaywidth, max_h) local ctrl = CtrlPorts:array () local pos = self:shmem():atomic_get_int(0) local buffer = self:shmem():to_int(1):array() local count = ctrl[2] if not txt or cursize ~= ctrl[1] then cursize = math.floor(ctrl[1]) txt = Cairo.PangoLayout (ctx, "Mono " .. cursize) end if ctrl[3] > 0 then hex = " %2X" else hex = " %3u" end show_scm = ctrl[4] -- compute the size of the display txt:set_text("0") local _, lineheight = txt:get_pixel_size() local displayheight = math.min(vpadding + (lineheight + vpadding) * count, max_h) -- compute starting position (pango anchors text at north-west corner) local x, y = hpadding, displayheight - lineheight - vpadding -- clear background ctx:rectangle (0, 0, displaywidth, displayheight) ctx:set_source_rgba (.2, .2, .2, 1.0) ctx:fill () -- print latest event ctx:set_source_rgba (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) show_midi(ctx, x, y, buffer, pos) y = y - lineheight - vpadding -- and remaining events ctx:set_source_rgba (.8, .8, .8, 1.0) for i = pos-1, 1, -1 do if y < 0 then break end show_midi(ctx, x, y, buffer, i) y = y - lineheight - vpadding end for i = ringsize, pos+1, -1 do if y < 0 then break end show_midi(ctx, x, y, buffer, i) y = y - lineheight - vpadding end return {displaywidth, displayheight} end