ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Mixer Store", author = "Ardour Lua Taskforce", description = [[Stores the current Mixer state as a file that can be read and recalled arbitrarily. Supports: processor settings, grouping, mute, solo, gain, trim, pan and processor ordering, plus re-adding certain deleted plugins.]] } function factory() return function() local invalidate = {} local path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(Session:path(), "export", "params.lua") function get_processor_by_name(track, name) local i = 0 local proc = track:nth_processor(i) repeat if ( proc:display_name() == name ) then return proc else i = i + 1 end proc = track:nth_processor(i) until proc:isnil() end function new_plugin(name) for x = 0, 6 do plugin = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.new_plugin(Session, name, x, "") if not(plugin:isnil()) then return plugin end end end function group_by_id(id) local id = tonumber(id) for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do local group_id = tonumber(g:to_stateful():id():to_s()) if group_id == id then return g end end end function route_groupid_interrogate(t) local group = false for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do for r in g:route_list():iter() do if r:name() == t:name() then group = g:to_stateful():id():to_s() end end end return group end function route_group_interrogate(t) for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do for r in g:route_list():iter() do if r:name() == t:name() then return g end end end end function empty_last_store() --empty current file from last run local file =, "w") file:write("") file:close() end function mark_selected_tracks() empty_last_store() local sel = Editor:get_selection () local groups_to_write = {} local i = 0 for r in sel.tracks:routelist():iter() do local group = route_group_interrogate(r) if group then groups_to_write[#groups_to_write + 1] = group end end for k, g in pairs(groups_to_write) do local g_route_str, group_str = "", "" group_str = "instance = {group_id = " .. g:to_stateful():id():to_s() .. ", name = " .. "\"" .. g:name() .. "\"" .. ", routes = {" for t in g:route_list():iter() do g_route_str = g_route_str .."[".. i .."] = " .. t:to_stateful():id():to_s() .. "," i = i + 1 end group_str = group_str .. g_route_str .. "}}" if not(group_str == "") then --sometimes there are no groups in the session file =, "a") file:write(group_str, "\r\n") file:close() end end for r in sel.tracks:routelist():iter() do if r:is_monitor () or r:is_auditioner () then goto nextroute end -- skip special routes local order = ARDOUR.ProcessorList() local x = 0 repeat local proc = r:nth_processor(x) if not proc:isnil() then order:push_back(proc) end x = x + 1 until proc:isnil() local route_str, proc_order_str, cache_str = "", "", "" local rid = r:to_stateful():id():to_s() local pan = r:pan_azimuth_control() if pan:isnil() then pan = false else pan = pan:get_value() end --sometimes a route doesn't have pan, like the master. local on = 0 for p in order:iter() do local pid = p:to_stateful():id():to_s() if not(string.find(p:display_name(), "latcomp")) then proc_order_str = proc_order_str .. "[" .. on .. "] = " .. pid .."," cache_str = cache_str .. "[" .. pid .. "] = " .. "\"" .. p:display_name() .. "\"" .."," end on = on + 1 end route_str = "instance = {route_id = " .. rid .. ", route_name = " .. r:name() .. ", gain_control = " .. r:gain_control():get_value() .. ", trim_control = " .. r:trim_control():get_value() .. ", pan_control = " .. tostring(pan) .. ", muted = " .. tostring(r:muted()) .. ", soloed = " .. tostring(r:soloed()) .. ", order = {" .. proc_order_str .."}, cache = {" .. cache_str .. "}, group = " .. tostring(route_groupid_interrogate(r)) .. "}" file =, "a") file:write(route_str, "\r\n") file:close() local i = 0 while true do local params = {} local proc_str, params_str = "", "" local proc = r:nth_plugin (i) if proc:isnil () then break end local active = proc:active() local id = proc:to_stateful():id():to_s() local plug = proc:to_insert ():plugin (0) local n = 0 -- count control-ports for j = 0, plug:parameter_count () - 1 do -- iterate over all plugin parameters if plug:parameter_is_control (j) then local label = plug:parameter_label (j) if plug:parameter_is_input (j) and label ~= "hidden" and label:sub (1,1) ~= "#" then local _, _, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation(proc, n) local val = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.get_processor_param(proc, j, true) --print(r:name(), "->", proc:display_name(), label, val) params[n] = val end n = n + 1 end end i = i + 1 for k, v in pairs(params) do params_str = params_str .. "[".. k .."] = " .. v .. "," end proc_str = "instance = {plugin_id = " .. id .. ", parameters = {" .. params_str .. "}, active = " .. tostring(active) .. "}" file =, "a") file:write(proc_str, "\r\n") file:close() end ::nextroute:: end end function mark_all_tracks() empty_last_store() local i = 0 for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do --@ToDo: Color, and other bools local g_route_str, group_str = "", "" group_str = "instance = {group_id = " .. g:to_stateful():id():to_s() .. ", name = " .. "\"" .. g:name() .. "\"" .. ", routes = {" for t in g:route_list():iter() do g_route_str = g_route_str .."[".. i .."] = " .. t:to_stateful():id():to_s() .. "," i = i + 1 end group_str = group_str .. g_route_str .. "}}" if not(group_str == "") then --sometimes there are no groups in the session file =, "a") file:write(group_str, "\r\n") file:close() end end for r in Session:get_routes():iter() do if r:is_monitor () or r:is_auditioner () then goto nextroute end -- skip special routes local order = ARDOUR.ProcessorList() local x = 0 repeat local proc = r:nth_processor(x) if not proc:isnil() then order:push_back(proc) end x = x + 1 until proc:isnil() local route_str, proc_order_str, cache_str = "", "", "" local rid = r:to_stateful():id():to_s() local pan = r:pan_azimuth_control() if pan:isnil() then pan = false else pan = pan:get_value() end --sometimes a route doesn't have pan, like the master. local on = 0 for p in order:iter() do local pid = p:to_stateful():id():to_s() if not(string.find(p:display_name(), "latcomp")) then proc_order_str = proc_order_str .. "[" .. on .. "] = " .. pid .."," cache_str = cache_str .. "[" .. pid .. "] = " .. "\"" .. p:display_name() .. "\"" .."," end on = on + 1 end route_str = "instance = {route_id = " .. rid .. ", route_name = '" .. r:name() .. "', gain_control = " .. r:gain_control():get_value() .. ", trim_control = " .. r:trim_control():get_value() .. ", pan_control = " .. tostring(pan) .. ", muted = " .. tostring(r:muted()) .. ", soloed = " .. tostring(r:soloed()) .. ", order = {" .. proc_order_str .."}, cache = {" .. cache_str .. "}, group = " .. tostring(route_groupid_interrogate(r)) .. "}" file =, "a") file:write(route_str, "\r\n") file:close() local i = 0 while true do local params = {} local proc_str, params_str = "", "" local proc = r:nth_plugin (i) if proc:isnil () then break end local active = proc:active() local id = proc:to_stateful():id():to_s() local plug = proc:to_insert ():plugin (0) local n = 0 -- count control-ports for j = 0, plug:parameter_count () - 1 do -- iterate over all plugin parameters if plug:parameter_is_control (j) then local label = plug:parameter_label (j) if plug:parameter_is_input (j) and label ~= "hidden" and label:sub (1,1) ~= "#" then local _, _, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation(proc, n) local val = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.get_processor_param(proc, j, true) --print(r:name(), "->", proc:display_name(), label, val) params[n] = val end n = n + 1 end end i = i + 1 for k, v in pairs(params) do params_str = params_str .. "[".. k .."] = " .. v .. "," end proc_str = "instance = {plugin_id = " .. id .. ", parameters = {" .. params_str .. "}, active = " .. tostring(active) .. "}" file =, "a") file:write(proc_str, "\r\n") file:close() end ::nextroute:: end end function recall() local file =, "r") assert(file, "File not found!") for l in file:lines() do --print(l) local plugin, route, group = false, false, false local f = load(l) f () if instance["route_id"] then route = true end if instance["plugin_id"] then plugin = true end if instance["group_id"] then group = true end if group then local g_id = instance["group_id"] local routes = instance["routes"] local name = instance["name"] local group = group_by_id(g_id) if not(group) then group = Session:new_route_group(name) end for k, v in pairs(routes) do local rt = Session:route_by_id(PBD.ID(v)) if not(rt:isnil()) then group:add(rt) end end end if route then local old_order = ARDOUR.ProcessorList() local r_id = PBD.ID(instance["route_id"]) local muted, soloed = instance["muted"], instance["soloed"] local order = instance["order"] local cache = instance["cache"] local group = instance["group"] local name = instance["route_name"] local gc, tc, pc = instance["gain_control"], instance["trim_control"], instance["pan_control"] local rt = Session:route_by_id(r_id) if rt:isnil() then rt = Session:route_by_name(name) end if rt:isnil() then goto nextline end local cur_group_id = route_groupid_interrogate(rt) if not(group) and (cur_group_id) then local g = group_by_id(cur_group_id) if g then g:remove(rt) end end well_known = {'PRE', 'Trim', 'EQ', 'Comp', 'Fader', 'POST'} for k, v in pairs(order) do local proc = Session:processor_by_id(PBD.ID(v)) if proc:isnil() then for id, name in pairs(cache) do if v == id then proc = new_plugin(name) for _, control in pairs(well_known) do if name == control then proc = get_processor_by_name(rt, control) invalidate[v] = proc:to_stateful():id():to_s() goto nextproc end end if not(proc) then goto nextproc end if not(proc:isnil()) then rt:add_processor_by_index(proc, 0, nil, true) invalidate[v] = proc:to_stateful():id():to_s() end end end end ::nextproc:: if proc and not(proc:isnil()) then old_order:push_back(proc) end end if muted then rt:mute_control():set_value(1, 1) else rt:mute_control():set_value(0, 1) end if soloed then rt:solo_control():set_value(1, 1) else rt:solo_control():set_value(0, 1) end rt:gain_control():set_value(gc, 1) rt:trim_control():set_value(tc, 1) if pc ~= false then rt:pan_azimuth_control():set_value(pc, 1) end rt:reorder_processors(old_order, nil) end if plugin then local enable = {} local params = instance["parameters"] local p_id = instance["plugin_id"] local act = instance["active"] for k, v in pairs(invalidate) do --invalidate any deleted plugin's id if p_id == k then p_id = v end end local proc = Session:processor_by_id(PBD.ID(p_id)) if proc:isnil() then goto nextline end local plug = proc:to_insert():plugin(0) for k, v in pairs(params) do local label = plug:parameter_label(k) if string.find(label, "Assign") or string.find(label, "Enable") then --@ToDo: Check Plugin type == LADSPA or VST? enable[k] = v --queue any assignments/enables for after the initial parameter recalling to duck the 'in-on-change' feature end ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_processor_param(proc, k, v) end for k, v in pairs(enable) do ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_processor_param(proc, k, v) end if act then proc:activate() else proc:deactivate() end end ::nextline:: end end local dialog_options = { { type = "label", colspan = 5, title = "" }, { type = "radio", col = 1, colspan = 7, key = "select", title = "", values ={ ["Store"] = "store", ["Recall"] = "recall" }, default = "Store"}, { type = "label", colspan = 5, title = "" }, } local store_options = { { type = "label", colspan = 5, title = "" }, { type = "checkbox", col=1, colspan = 1, key = "selected", default = false, title = "Selected tracks only"}, { type = "entry", col=2, colspan = 10, key = "filename", default = "params", title = "Store name" }, { type = "label", colspan = 5, title = "" }, } local recall_options = { { type = "label", colspan = 5, title = "" }, { type = "file", col =1, colspan = 10, key = "file", title = "Select a File", path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(Session:path(), "export", "params.lua") }, { type = "label", colspan = 5, title = "" }, } local rv = LuaDialog.Dialog("Mixer Store:", dialog_options):run() if rv then local choice = rv["select"] if choice == "store" then local srv = LuaDialog.Dialog("Mixer Store:", store_options):run() if srv then empty_last_store() --ensures that params.lua will exist for the recall dialog path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(Session:path(), "export", srv["filename"] .. ".lua") if srv['selected'] then mark_selected_tracks() else mark_all_tracks() end end end if choice == "recall" then local rrv = LuaDialog.Dialog("Mixer Store:", recall_options):run() if rrv then if rrv['file'] ~= path then path = rrv['file'] end recall() end end end collectgarbage() end end