Add Editor/UI Lua Scripting and Action/Callback Script
authorRobin Gareus <>
Sun, 21 Feb 2016 21:08:36 +0000 (22:08 +0100)
committerRobin Gareus <>
Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:41:35 +0000 (15:41 +0100)
gtk2_ardour/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gtk2_ardour/luainstance.h [new file with mode: 0644]
gtk2_ardour/luasignal.h [new file with mode: 0644]
gtk2_ardour/luasignal_syms.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b0ec0f8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Robin Gareus <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h"
+#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
+#include "ardour/diskstream.h"
+#include "ardour/plugin_manager.h"
+#include "ardour/route.h"
+#include "ardour/session.h"
+#include "ardour_ui.h"
+#include "public_editor.h"
+#include "region_selection.h"
+#include "luainstance.h"
+#include "luasignal.h"
+#include "script_selector.h"
+#include "i18n.h"
+namespace LuaSignal {
+#define STATIC(name,c,p) else if (!strcmp(type, #name)) {return name;}
+#define SESSION(name,c,p) else if (!strcmp(type, #name)) {return name;}
+#define ENGINE(name,c,p) else if (!strcmp(type, #name)) {return name;}
+str2luasignal (const std::string &str) {
+       const char* type = str.c_str();
+       if (0) { }
+#      include "luasignal_syms.h"
+       else {
+               PBD::fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1: %2"), "Impossible LuaSignal type", str) << endmsg;
+               abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/
+       }
+#undef STATIC
+#undef SESSION
+#undef ENGINE
+#define STATIC(name,c,p) N_(#name),
+#define SESSION(name,c,p) N_(#name),
+#define ENGINE(name,c,p) N_(#name),
+const char *luasignalstr[] = {
+#      include "luasignal_syms.h"
+       0
+#undef STATIC
+#undef SESSION
+#undef ENGINE
+}; // namespace
+#define xstr(s) stringify(s)
+#define stringify(s) #s
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+LuaInstance::register_hooks (lua_State* L)
+#define ENGINE(name,c,p) .addConst (stringify(name), (LuaSignal::LuaSignal)LuaSignal::name)
+#define STATIC(name,c,p) .addConst (stringify(name), (LuaSignal::LuaSignal)LuaSignal::name)
+#define SESSION(name,c,p) .addConst (stringify(name), (LuaSignal::LuaSignal)LuaSignal::name)
+       luabridge::getGlobalNamespace (L)
+               .beginNamespace ("LuaSignal")
+#              include "luasignal_syms.h"
+               .endNamespace ();
+#undef ENGINE
+#undef SESSION
+#undef STATIC
+       luabridge::getGlobalNamespace (L)
+               .beginNamespace ("LuaSignal")
+               .beginStdBitSet <LuaSignal::LAST_SIGNAL> ("Set")
+               .endClass()
+               .endNamespace ();
+LuaInstance::register_classes (lua_State* L)
+       LuaBindings::stddef (L);
+       LuaBindings::common (L);
+       LuaBindings::session (L);
+       register_hooks (L);
+       luabridge::getGlobalNamespace (L)
+               .beginNamespace ("ARDOUR")
+               .beginClass <RegionSelection> ("RegionSelection")
+               .addFunction ("clear_all", &RegionSelection::clear_all)
+               .addFunction ("start", &RegionSelection::start)
+               .addFunction ("end_frame", &RegionSelection::end_frame)
+               .addFunction ("n_midi_regions", &RegionSelection::n_midi_regions)
+               .endClass ()
+               .beginClass <PublicEditor> ("Editor")
+               .addFunction ("undo", &PublicEditor::undo)
+               .addFunction ("redo", &PublicEditor::redo)
+               .addFunction ("play_selection", &PublicEditor::play_selection)
+               .addFunction ("play_with_preroll", &PublicEditor::play_with_preroll)
+               .addFunction ("maybe_locate_with_edit_preroll", &PublicEditor::maybe_locate_with_edit_preroll)
+               .addFunction ("add_location_from_playhead_cursor", &PublicEditor::add_location_from_playhead_cursor)
+               .addFunction ("goto_nth_marker", &PublicEditor::goto_nth_marker)
+               .addFunction ("set_show_measures", &PublicEditor::set_show_measures)
+               .addFunction ("mouse_add_new_marker", &PublicEditor::mouse_add_new_marker)
+               .addFunction ("split_regions_at", &PublicEditor::split_regions_at)
+               .addFunction ("maximise_editing_space", &PublicEditor::maximise_editing_space)
+               .addFunction ("restore_editing_space", &PublicEditor::restore_editing_space)
+               .addFunction ("get_regions_from_selection_and_mouse", &PublicEditor::get_regions_from_selection_and_mouse)
+               .addFunction ("show_measures", &PublicEditor::show_measures)
+               .addFunction ("set_zoom_focus", &PublicEditor::set_zoom_focus)
+               .addFunction ("do_import", &PublicEditor::do_import)
+               .addFunction ("do_embed", &PublicEditor::do_embed)
+               .endClass ()
+               .endNamespace ();
+#undef SNAPTYPE
+#undef SNAPMODE
+#define ZOOMFOCUS(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::ZoomFocus)Editing::NAME)
+#define SNAPTYPE(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::SnapType)Editing::NAME)
+#define SNAPMODE(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::SnapMode)Editing::NAME)
+#define MOUSEMODE(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::MouseMode)Editing::NAME)
+#define DISPLAYCONTROL(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::DisplayControl)Editing::NAME)
+#define IMPORTMODE(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::ImportMode)Editing::NAME)
+#define IMPORTPOSITION(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::ImportPosition)Editing::NAME)
+#define IMPORTDISPOSITION(NAME) .addConst (stringify(NAME), (Editing::ImportDisposition)Editing::NAME)
+       luabridge::getGlobalNamespace (L)
+               .beginNamespace ("Editing")
+#              include "editing_syms.h"
+               .endNamespace ();
+#undef xstr
+#undef stringify
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS;
+using namespace PBD;
+using namespace std;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+static void _lua_print (std::string s) {
+       std::cout << "LuaInstance: " << s << "\n";
+LuaInstance* LuaInstance::_instance = 0;
+LuaInstance::instance ()
+       if (!_instance) {
+               _instance  = new LuaInstance;
+       }
+       return _instance;
+LuaInstance::LuaInstance ()
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+       lua.Print.connect (&_lua_print);
+       init ();
+       LuaScriptParamList args;
+LuaInstance::~LuaInstance ()
+       delete _lua_call_action;
+       delete _lua_add_action;
+       delete _lua_del_action;
+       delete _lua_get_action;
+       delete _lua_load;
+       delete _lua_save;
+       delete _lua_clear;
+       _callbacks.clear();
+LuaInstance::init ()
+       lua.do_command (
+                       "function ScriptManager ()"
+                       "  local self = { scripts = {}, instances = {} }"
+                       ""
+                       "  local remove = function (id)"
+                       "   self.scripts[id] = nil"
+                       "   self.instances[id] = nil"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local addinternal = function (i, n, s, f, a)"
+                       "   assert(type(i) == 'number', 'id must be numeric')"
+                       "   assert(type(n) == 'string', 'Name must be string')"
+                       "   assert(type(s) == 'string', 'Script must be string')"
+                       "   assert(type(f) == 'function', 'Factory is a not a function')"
+                       "   assert(type(a) == 'table' or type(a) == 'nil', 'Given argument is invalid')"
+                       "   self.scripts[i] = { ['n'] = n, ['s'] = s, ['f'] = f, ['a'] = a }"
+                       "   local env = _ENV;  env.f = nil env.debug = nil os.exit = nil require = nil dofile = nil loadfile = nil package = nil"
+                       "   self.instances[i] = load (string.dump(f, true), nil, nil, env)(a)"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local call = function (id)"
+                       "   if type(self.instances[id]) == 'function' then"
+                       "     local status, err = pcall (self.instances[id])"
+                       "     if not status then"
+                       "       print ('action \"'.. id .. '\": ', err)" // error out
+                       "       remove (id)"
+                       "     end"
+                       "   end"
+                       "   collectgarbage()"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local add = function (i, n, s, b, a)"
+                       "   assert(type(b) == 'string', 'ByteCode must be string')"
+                       "   load (b)()" // assigns f
+                       "   assert(type(f) == 'string', 'Assigned ByteCode must be string')"
+                       "   addinternal (i, n, s, load(f), a)"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local get = function (id)"
+                       "   if type(self.scripts[id]) == 'table' then"
+                       "    return { ['name'] = self.scripts[id]['n'],"
+                       "             ['script'] = self.scripts[id]['s'],"
+                       "             ['args'] = self.scripts[id]['a'] }"
+                       "   end"
+                       "   return nil"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local function basic_serialize (o)"
+                       "    if type(o) == \"number\" then"
+                       "     return tostring(o)"
+                       "    else"
+                       "     return string.format(\"%q\", o)"
+                       "    end"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local function serialize (name, value)"
+                       "   local rv = name .. ' = '"
+                       "   collectgarbage()"
+                       "   if type(value) == \"number\" or type(value) == \"string\" or type(value) == \"nil\" then"
+                       "    return rv .. basic_serialize(value) .. ' '"
+                       "   elseif type(value) == \"table\" then"
+                       "    rv = rv .. '{} '"
+                       "    for k,v in pairs(value) do"
+                       "     local fieldname = string.format(\"%s[%s]\", name, basic_serialize(k))"
+                       "     rv = rv .. serialize(fieldname, v) .. ' '"
+                       "     collectgarbage()" // string concatenation allocates a new string
+                       "    end"
+                       "    return rv;"
+                       "   elseif type(value) == \"function\" then"
+                       "     return rv .. string.format(\"%q\", string.dump(value, true))"
+                       "   else"
+                       "    error('cannot save a ' .. type(value))"
+                       "   end"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       ""
+                       "  local save = function ()"
+                       "   return (serialize('scripts', self.scripts))"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local clear = function ()"
+                       "   self.scripts = {}"
+                       "   self.instances = {}"
+                       "   collectgarbage()"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local restore = function (state)"
+                       "   clear()"
+                       "   load (state)()"
+                       "   for i, s in pairs (scripts) do"
+                       "    addinternal (i, s['n'], s['s'], load(s['f']), s['a'])"
+                       "   end"
+                       "   collectgarbage()"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       " return { call = call, add = add, remove = remove, get = get,"
+                       "          restore = restore, save = save, clear = clear}"
+                       " end"
+                       " "
+                       " manager = ScriptManager ()"
+                       " ScriptManager = nil"
+                       );
+       lua_State* L = lua.getState();
+       try {
+               luabridge::LuaRef lua_mgr = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "manager");
+               lua.do_command ("manager = nil"); // hide it.
+               lua.do_command ("collectgarbage()");
+               _lua_add_action = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["add"]);
+               _lua_del_action = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["remove"]);
+               _lua_get_action = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["get"]);
+               _lua_call_action = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["call"]);
+               _lua_save = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["save"]);
+               _lua_load = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["restore"]);
+               _lua_clear = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["clear"]);
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"),
+                               X_("Failed to setup Lua action interpreter"))
+                       << endmsg;
+               abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/
+       }
+       register_classes (L);
+       luabridge::push <PublicEditor *> (L, &PublicEditor::instance());
+       lua_setglobal (L, "Editor");
+void LuaInstance::set_session (Session* s)
+       SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s);
+       if (!_session) {
+               return;
+       }
+       lua_State* L = lua.getState();
+       LuaBindings::set_session (L, _session);
+       for (LuaCallbackMap::iterator i = _callbacks.begin(); i != _callbacks.end(); ++i) {
+               i->second->set_session (s);
+       }
+LuaInstance::session_going_away ()
+       ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &LuaInstance::session_going_away);
+       (*_lua_clear)();
+       for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
+               ActionChanged (i, ""); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+       }
+       SessionHandlePtr::session_going_away ();
+       _session = 0;
+       lua_State* L = lua.getState();
+       LuaBindings::set_session (L, _session);
+       lua.do_command ("collectgarbage();");
+LuaInstance::set_state (const XMLNode& node)
+       LocaleGuard lg (X_("C"));
+       XMLNode* child;
+       if ((child = find_named_node (node, "ActionScript"))) {
+               for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator n = child->children ().begin (); n != child->children ().end (); ++n) {
+                       if (!(*n)->is_content ()) { continue; }
+                       gsize size;
+                       guchar* buf = g_base64_decode ((*n)->content ().c_str (), &size);
+                       try {
+                               (*_lua_load)(std::string ((const char*)buf, size));
+                       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+                               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+                       }
+                       for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
+                               std::string name;
+                               if (lua_action_name (i, name)) {
+                                       ActionChanged (i, name); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+                               }
+                       }
+                       g_free (buf);
+               }
+       }
+       if ((child = find_named_node (node, "ActionHooks"))) {
+               for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator n = child->children ().begin (); n != child->children ().end (); ++n) {
+                       try {
+                               LuaCallbackPtr p (new LuaCallback (_session, *(*n)));
+                               _callbacks.insert (std::make_pair(p->id(), p));
+                               p->drop_callback.connect (_slotcon, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&LuaInstance::unregister_lua_slot, this, p->id()), gui_context());
+                               SlotChanged (p->id(), p->name(), p->signals()); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+                       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+                               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+LuaInstance::interactive_add (LuaScriptInfo::ScriptType type, int id)
+       std::string title;
+       std::vector<std::string> reg;
+       switch (type) {
+               case LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction:
+                       reg = lua_action_names ();
+                       title = "Add Lua Action";
+                       break;
+               case LuaScriptInfo::EditorHook:
+                       reg = lua_slot_names ();
+                       title = "Add Lua Callback Hook";
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return false;
+       }
+       LuaScriptInfoPtr spi;
+       ScriptSelector ss (title, type);
+       switch ( ()) {
+               case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
+                       spi = ss.script();
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return false;
+       }
+       std::string script = "";
+       try {
+               script = Glib::file_get_contents (spi->path);
+       } catch (Glib::FileError e) {
+               string msg = string_compose (_("Cannot read script '%1': %2"), spi->path, e.what());
+               Gtk::MessageDialog am (msg);
+      ();
+               return false;
+       }
+       LuaScriptParamList lsp = LuaScripting::script_params (spi, "action_params");
+       ScriptParameterDialog spd (_("Set Script Parameters"), spi, reg, lsp);
+       switch ( ()) {
+               case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return false;
+       }
+       switch (type) {
+               case LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction:
+                       return set_lua_action (id,, script, lsp);
+                       break;
+               case LuaScriptInfo::EditorHook:
+                       return register_lua_slot (, script, lsp);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
+       }
+       return false;
+LuaInstance::get_action_state ()
+       LocaleGuard lg (X_("C"));
+       std::string saved;
+       {
+               luabridge::LuaRef savedstate ((*_lua_save)());
+               saved = savedstate.cast<std::string>();
+       }
+       lua.collect_garbage ();
+       gchar* b64 = g_base64_encode ((const guchar*)saved.c_str (), saved.size ());
+       std::string b64s (b64);
+       g_free (b64);
+       XMLNode* script_node = new XMLNode (X_("ActionScript"));
+       script_node->add_property (X_("lua"), LUA_VERSION);
+       script_node->add_content (b64s);
+       return *script_node;
+LuaInstance::get_hook_state ()
+       XMLNode* script_node = new XMLNode (X_("ActionHooks"));
+       for (LuaCallbackMap::const_iterator i = _callbacks.begin(); i != _callbacks.end(); ++i) {
+               script_node->add_child_nocopy (i->second->get_state ());
+       }
+       return *script_node;
+LuaInstance::call_action (const int id)
+       try {
+               (*_lua_call_action)(id + 1);
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+       }
+LuaInstance::set_lua_action (
+               const int id,
+               const std::string& name,
+               const std::string& script,
+               const LuaScriptParamList& args)
+       try {
+               lua_State* L = lua.getState();
+               // get bytcode of factory-function in a sandbox
+               // (don't allow scripts to interfere)
+               const std::string& bytecode = LuaScripting::get_factory_bytecode (script);
+               luabridge::LuaRef tbl_arg (luabridge::newTable(L));
+               for (LuaScriptParamList::const_iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) {
+                       if ((*i)->optional && !(*i)->is_set) { continue; }
+                       tbl_arg[(*i)->name] = (*i)->value;
+               }
+               (*_lua_add_action)(id + 1, name, script, bytecode, tbl_arg);
+               ActionChanged (id, name); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+               return false;
+       }
+       return true;
+LuaInstance::remove_lua_action (const int id)
+       try {
+               (*_lua_del_action)(id + 1);
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+               return false;
+       }
+       ActionChanged (id, ""); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+       return true;
+LuaInstance::lua_action_name (const int id, std::string& rv)
+       try {
+               luabridge::LuaRef ref ((*_lua_get_action)(id + 1));
+               if (ref.isNil()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               if (ref["name"].isString()) {
+                       rv = ref["name"].cast<std::string>();
+                       return true;
+               }
+               return true;
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+               return false;
+       }
+       return false;
+LuaInstance::lua_action_names ()
+       std::vector<std::string> rv;
+       for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
+               std::string name;
+               if (lua_action_name (i, name)) {
+                       rv.push_back (name);
+               }
+       }
+       return rv;
+LuaInstance::lua_action (const int id, std::string& name, std::string& script, LuaScriptParamList& args)
+       try {
+               luabridge::LuaRef ref ((*_lua_get_action)(id + 1));
+               if (ref.isNil()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               if (!ref["name"].isString()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               if (!ref["script"].isString()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               if (!ref["args"].isTable()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               name = ref["name"].cast<std::string>();
+               script = ref["script"].cast<std::string>();
+               args.clear();
+               LuaScriptInfoPtr lsi = LuaScripting::script_info (script);
+               if (!lsi) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               args = LuaScripting::script_params (lsi, "action_params");
+               for (luabridge::Iterator i (static_cast<luabridge::LuaRef>(ref["args"])); !i.isNil (); ++i) {
+                       if (!i.key ().isString ()) { assert(0); continue; }
+                       std::string name = i.key ().cast<std::string> ();
+                       std::string value = i.value ().cast<std::string> ();
+                       for (LuaScriptParamList::const_iterator ii = args.begin(); ii != args.end(); ++ii) {
+                               if ((*ii)->name == name) {
+                                       (*ii)->value = value;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               return true;
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+               return false;
+       }
+       return false;
+LuaInstance::register_lua_slot (const std::string& name, const std::string& script, const ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList& args)
+       /* parse script, get ActionHook(s) from script */
+       ActionHook ah;
+       try {
+               LuaState l;
+               l.Print.connect (&_lua_print);
+               lua_State* L = l.getState();
+               register_hooks (L);
+               l.do_command ("function ardour () end");
+               l.do_command (script);
+               luabridge::LuaRef signals = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "signals");
+               if (signals.isFunction()) {
+                       ah = signals();
+               }
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+       }
+       if (ah.none ()) {
+               cerr << "Script registered no hooks." << endl;
+               return false;
+       }
+       /* register script w/args, get entry-point / ID */
+       try {
+               LuaCallbackPtr p (new LuaCallback (_session, name, script, ah, args));
+               _callbacks.insert (std::make_pair(p->id(), p));
+               p->drop_callback.connect (_slotcon, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&LuaInstance::unregister_lua_slot, this, p->id()), gui_context());
+               SlotChanged (p->id(), p->name(), p->signals()); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+               return true;
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+       }
+       return false;
+LuaInstance::unregister_lua_slot (const PBD::ID& id)
+       LuaCallbackMap::const_iterator i = _callbacks.find (id);
+       if (i != _callbacks.end()) {
+               SlotChanged (id, "", ActionHook()); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+               _callbacks.erase (i);
+               return true;
+       }
+       return false;
+LuaInstance::lua_slots () const
+       std::vector<PBD::ID> rv;
+       for (LuaCallbackMap::const_iterator i = _callbacks.begin(); i != _callbacks.end(); ++i) {
+               rv.push_back (i->first);
+       }
+       return rv;
+LuaInstance::lua_slot_name (const PBD::ID& id, std::string& name) const
+       LuaCallbackMap::const_iterator i = _callbacks.find (id);
+       if (i != _callbacks.end()) {
+               name = i->second->name();
+               return true;
+       }
+       return false;
+LuaInstance::lua_slot_names () const
+       std::vector<std::string> rv;
+       std::vector<PBD::ID> ids = lua_slots();
+       for (std::vector<PBD::ID>::const_iterator i = ids.begin(); i != ids.end(); ++i) {
+               std::string name;
+               if (lua_slot_name (*i, name)) {
+                       rv.push_back (name);
+               }
+       }
+       return rv;
+LuaInstance::lua_slot (const PBD::ID& id, std::string& name, std::string& script, ActionHook& ah, ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList& args)
+       LuaCallbackMap::const_iterator i = _callbacks.find (id);
+       if (i == _callbacks.end()) {
+               return false; // error
+       }
+       return i->second->lua_slot (name, script, ah, args);
+LuaCallback::LuaCallback (Session *s,
+               const std::string& name,
+               const std::string& script,
+               const ActionHook& ah,
+               const ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList& args)
+       : SessionHandlePtr (s)
+       , _id ("0")
+       , _name (name)
+       , _signals (ah)
+       // TODO: allow to reference object (e.g region)
+       init ();
+       lua_State* L = lua.getState();
+       luabridge::LuaRef tbl_arg (luabridge::newTable(L));
+       for (LuaScriptParamList::const_iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) {
+               if ((*i)->optional && !(*i)->is_set) { continue; }
+               tbl_arg[(*i)->name] = (*i)->value;
+       }
+       try {
+       const std::string& bytecode = LuaScripting::get_factory_bytecode (script);
+       (*_lua_add)(name, script, bytecode, tbl_arg);
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+               throw failed_constructor ();
+       }
+       _id.reset ();
+       set_session (s);
+LuaCallback::LuaCallback (Session *s, XMLNode & node)
+       : SessionHandlePtr (s)
+       XMLNode* child = NULL;
+       if ( != X_("LuaCallback")
+                       || ! ("signals")
+                       || ! ("id")
+                       || ! ("name")) {
+               throw failed_constructor ();
+       }
+       for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator n = node.children ().begin (); n != node.children ().end (); ++n) {
+               if (!(*n)->is_content ()) { continue; }
+               child = *n;
+       }
+       if (!child) {
+               throw failed_constructor ();
+       }
+       init ();
+       _id = PBD::ID ( ("id")->value ());
+       _name = ("name")->value ();
+       _signals = ActionHook ( ("signals")->value ());
+       gsize size;
+       guchar* buf = g_base64_decode (child->content ().c_str (), &size);
+       try {
+               (*_lua_load)(std::string ((const char*)buf, size));
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+       }
+       g_free (buf);
+       set_session (s);
+LuaCallback::~LuaCallback ()
+       delete _lua_add;
+       delete _lua_get;
+       delete _lua_call;
+       delete _lua_load;
+       delete _lua_save;
+LuaCallback::get_state (void)
+       std::string saved;
+       {
+               luabridge::LuaRef savedstate ((*_lua_save)());
+               saved = savedstate.cast<std::string>();
+       }
+       lua.collect_garbage ();
+       gchar* b64 = g_base64_encode ((const guchar*)saved.c_str (), saved.size ());
+       std::string b64s (b64);
+       g_free (b64);
+       XMLNode* script_node = new XMLNode (X_("LuaCallback"));
+       script_node->add_property (X_("lua"), LUA_VERSION);
+       script_node->add_property (X_("id"), _id.to_s ());
+       script_node->add_property (X_("name"), _name);
+       script_node->add_property (X_("signals"), _signals.to_string ());
+       script_node->add_content (b64s);
+       return *script_node;
+LuaCallback::init (void)
+       lua.Print.connect (&_lua_print);
+       lua.do_command (
+                       "function ScriptManager ()"
+                       "  local self = { script = {}, instance = {} }"
+                       ""
+                       "  local addinternal = function (n, s, f, a)"
+                       "   assert(type(n) == 'string', 'Name must be string')"
+                       "   assert(type(s) == 'string', 'Script must be string')"
+                       "   assert(type(f) == 'function', 'Factory is a not a function')"
+                       "   assert(type(a) == 'table' or type(a) == 'nil', 'Given argument is invalid')"
+                       "   self.script = { ['n'] = n, ['s'] = s, ['f'] = f, ['a'] = a }"
+                       "   local env = _ENV;  env.f = nil env.debug = nil os.exit = nil require = nil dofile = nil loadfile = nil package = nil"
+                       "   self.instance = load (string.dump(f, true), nil, nil, env)(a)"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local call = function (...)"
+                       "   if type(self.instance) == 'function' then"
+                       "     local status, err = pcall (self.instance, ...)"
+                       "     if not status then"
+                       "       print ('callback \"'.. self.script['n'] .. '\": ', err)" // error out
+                       "       self.script = nil"
+                       "       self.instance = nil"
+                       "       return false"
+                       "     end"
+                       "   end"
+                       "   collectgarbage()"
+                       "   return true"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local add = function (n, s, b, a)"
+                       "   assert(type(b) == 'string', 'ByteCode must be string')"
+                       "   load (b)()" // assigns f
+                       "   assert(type(f) == 'string', 'Assigned ByteCode must be string')"
+                       "   addinternal (n, s, load(f), a)"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local get = function ()"
+                       "   if type(self.instance) == 'function' and type(self.script['n']) == 'string' then"
+                       "    return { ['name'] = self.script['n'],"
+                       "             ['script'] = self.script['s'],"
+                       "             ['args'] = self.script['a'] }"
+                       "   end"
+                       "   return nil"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       // code dup
+                       ""
+                       "  local function basic_serialize (o)"
+                       "    if type(o) == \"number\" then"
+                       "     return tostring(o)"
+                       "    else"
+                       "     return string.format(\"%q\", o)"
+                       "    end"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local function serialize (name, value)"
+                       "   local rv = name .. ' = '"
+                       "   collectgarbage()"
+                       "   if type(value) == \"number\" or type(value) == \"string\" or type(value) == \"nil\" then"
+                       "    return rv .. basic_serialize(value) .. ' '"
+                       "   elseif type(value) == \"table\" then"
+                       "    rv = rv .. '{} '"
+                       "    for k,v in pairs(value) do"
+                       "     local fieldname = string.format(\"%s[%s]\", name, basic_serialize(k))"
+                       "     rv = rv .. serialize(fieldname, v) .. ' '"
+                       "     collectgarbage()" // string concatenation allocates a new string
+                       "    end"
+                       "    return rv;"
+                       "   elseif type(value) == \"function\" then"
+                       "     return rv .. string.format(\"%q\", string.dump(value, true))"
+                       "   else"
+                       "    error('cannot save a ' .. type(value))"
+                       "   end"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       // end code dup
+                       ""
+                       "  local save = function ()"
+                       "   return (serialize('s', self.script))"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       "  local restore = function (state)"
+                       "   self.script = {}"
+                       "   load (state)()"
+                       "   addinternal (s['n'], s['s'], load(s['f']), s['a'])"
+                       "  end"
+                       ""
+                       " return { call = call, add = add, get = get,"
+                       "          restore = restore, save = save}"
+                       " end"
+                       " "
+                       " manager = ScriptManager ()"
+                       " ScriptManager = nil"
+                       );
+       lua_State* L = lua.getState();
+       try {
+               luabridge::LuaRef lua_mgr = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "manager");
+               lua.do_command ("manager = nil"); // hide it.
+               lua.do_command ("collectgarbage()");
+               _lua_add = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["add"]);
+               _lua_get = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["get"]);
+               _lua_call = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["call"]);
+               _lua_save = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["save"]);
+               _lua_load = new luabridge::LuaRef(lua_mgr["restore"]);
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"),
+                               X_("Failed to setup Lua callback interpreter"))
+                       << endmsg;
+               abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/
+       }
+       LuaInstance::register_classes (L);
+       luabridge::push <PublicEditor *> (L, &PublicEditor::instance());
+       lua_setglobal (L, "Editor");
+LuaCallback::lua_slot (std::string& name, std::string& script, ActionHook& ah, ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList& args)
+       // TODO consolidate w/ LuaInstance::lua_action()
+       try {
+               luabridge::LuaRef ref = (*_lua_get)();
+               if (ref.isNil()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               if (!ref["name"].isString()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               if (!ref["script"].isString()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               if (!ref["args"].isTable()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               ah = _signals;
+               name = ref["name"].cast<std::string> ();
+               script = ref["script"].cast<std::string> ();
+               args.clear();
+               LuaScriptInfoPtr lsi = LuaScripting::script_info (script);
+               if (!lsi) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               args = LuaScripting::script_params (lsi, "action_params");
+               for (luabridge::Iterator i (static_cast<luabridge::LuaRef>(ref["args"])); !i.isNil (); ++i) {
+                       if (!i.key ().isString ()) { assert(0); continue; }
+                       std::string name = i.key ().cast<std::string> ();
+                       std::string value = i.value ().cast<std::string> ();
+                       for (LuaScriptParamList::const_iterator ii = args.begin(); ii != args.end(); ++ii) {
+                               if ((*ii)->name == name) {
+                                       (*ii)->value = value;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               return true;
+       } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
+               cerr << "LuaException:" << e.what () << endl;
+               return false;
+       }
+       return false;
+LuaCallback::set_session (ARDOUR::Session *s)
+       SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s);
+       if (_session) {
+               lua_State* L = lua.getState();
+               LuaBindings::set_session (L, _session);
+       }
+       reconnect();
+LuaCallback::session_going_away ()
+       ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &LuaCallback::session_going_away);
+       lua.do_command ("collectgarbage();");
+       SessionHandlePtr::session_going_away ();
+       _session = 0;
+       drop_callback (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+LuaCallback::reconnect ()
+       _connections.drop_connections ();
+       if ((*_lua_get) ().isNil ()) {
+               drop_callback (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+               return;
+       }
+       // TODO pass object which emits the signal (e.g region)
+       //
+       // save/load bound objects will be tricky.
+       // Best idea so far is to save/lookup the PBD::ID
+       // (either use boost::any indirection or templates for bindable
+       // object types or a switch statement..)
+       //
+       // _session->route_by_id ()
+       // _session->track_by_diskstream_id ()
+       // _session->source_by_id ()
+       // _session->controllable_by_id ()
+       // _session->processor_by_id ()
+       // RegionFactory::region_by_id ()
+       //
+       // TODO loop over objects (if any)
+       reconnect_object ((void*)0);
+template <class T> void
+LuaCallback::reconnect_object (T obj)
+       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < LuaSignal::LAST_SIGNAL; ++i) {
+               if (_signals[i]) {
+#define ENGINE(n,c,p) else if (i == LuaSignal::n) { connect_ ## p (LuaSignal::n, AudioEngine::instance(), &(AudioEngine::instance()->c)); }
+#define SESSION(n,c,p) else if (i == LuaSignal::n) { if (_session) { connect_ ## p (LuaSignal::n, _session, &(_session->c)); } }
+#define STATIC(n,c,p) else if (i == LuaSignal::n) { connect_ ## p (LuaSignal::n, obj, c); }
+                       if (0) {}
+#                      include "luasignal_syms.h"
+                       else {
+                               PBD::fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1: %2"), "Impossible LuaSignal type", i) << endmsg;
+                               abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/
+                       }
+#undef ENGINE
+#undef SESSION
+#undef STATIC
+               }
+       }
+template <typename T, typename S> void
+LuaCallback::connect_0 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal ls, T ref, S *signal) {
+       signal->connect (
+                       _connections, invalidator (*this),
+                       boost::bind (&LuaCallback::proxy_0<T>, this, ls, ref),
+                       gui_context());
+template <typename T, typename C1> void
+LuaCallback::connect_1 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal ls, T ref, PBD::Signal1<void, C1> *signal) {
+       signal->connect (
+                       _connections, invalidator (*this),
+                       boost::bind (&LuaCallback::proxy_1<T, C1>, this, ls, ref, _1),
+                       gui_context());
+template <typename T, typename C1, typename C2> void
+LuaCallback::connect_2 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal ls, T ref, PBD::Signal2<void, C1, C2> *signal) {
+       signal->connect (
+                       _connections, invalidator (*this),
+                       boost::bind (&LuaCallback::proxy_2<T, C1, C2>, this, ls, ref, _1, _2),
+                       gui_context());
+template <typename T> void
+LuaCallback::proxy_0 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal ls, T ref) {
+       if (!(*_lua_call)((int)ls, ref)) { drop_callback (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */}
+template <typename T, typename C1> void
+LuaCallback::proxy_1 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal ls, T ref, C1 a1) {
+       if (!(*_lua_call)((int)ls, ref, a1)) { drop_callback (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */}
+template <typename T, typename C1, typename C2> void
+LuaCallback::proxy_2 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal ls, T ref, C1 a1, C2 a2) {
+       if (!(*_lua_call)((int)ls, ref, a1, a2)) { drop_callback (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */}
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/luainstance.h b/gtk2_ardour/luainstance.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7bb5723
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#ifndef __gtkardour_luainstance_h__
+#define __gtkardour_luainstance_h__
+#include <bitset>
+#include "pbd/id.h"
+#include "pbd/signals.h"
+#include "pbd/xml++.h"
+#include "ardour/luascripting.h"
+#include "ardour/luabindings.h"
+#include "ardour/session_handle.h"
+#include "lua/luastate.h"
+#include "LuaBridge/LuaBridge.h"
+#include "luasignal.h"
+typedef std::bitset<LuaSignal::LAST_SIGNAL> ActionHook;
+class LuaCallback : public ARDOUR::SessionHandlePtr, public sigc::trackable
+       LuaCallback (ARDOUR::Session*, const std::string&, const std::string&, const ActionHook&, const ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList&);
+       LuaCallback (ARDOUR::Session*, XMLNode & node);
+       ~LuaCallback ();
+       XMLNode& get_state (void);
+       void set_session (ARDOUR::Session *);
+       const PBD::ID& id () const { return _id; }
+       const std::string& name () const { return _name; }
+       ActionHook signals () const { return _signals; }
+       bool lua_slot (std::string&, std::string&, ActionHook&, ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList&);
+       PBD::Signal0<void> drop_callback;
+       void session_going_away ();
+       LuaState lua;
+       PBD::ID _id;
+       std::string _name;
+       ActionHook _signals;
+       void reconnect ();
+       template <class T> void reconnect_object (T);
+       void init ();
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_add;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_get;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_call;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_save;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_load;
+       PBD::ScopedConnectionList _connections;
+       template <typename T, typename S> void connect_0 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal, T, S*);
+       template <typename T> void proxy_0 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal, T);
+       template <typename T, typename C1> void connect_1 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal, T, PBD::Signal1<void, C1>*);
+       template <typename T, typename C1> void proxy_1 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal, T, C1);
+       template <typename T, typename C1, typename C2> void connect_2 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal, T, PBD::Signal2<void, C1, C2>*);
+       template <typename T, typename C1, typename C2> void proxy_2 (enum LuaSignal::LuaSignal, T, C1, C2);
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<LuaCallback> LuaCallbackPtr;
+typedef std::map<PBD::ID, LuaCallbackPtr> LuaCallbackMap;
+class LuaInstance : public PBD::ScopedConnectionList, public ARDOUR::SessionHandlePtr
+       static LuaInstance* instance();
+       ~LuaInstance();
+       static void register_classes (lua_State* L);
+       static void register_hooks (lua_State* L);
+       void set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s);
+       int set_state (const XMLNode&);
+       XMLNode& get_action_state (void);
+       XMLNode& get_hook_state (void);
+       bool interactive_add (ARDOUR::LuaScriptInfo::ScriptType, int);
+       /* actions */
+       void call_action (const int);
+       bool set_lua_action (const int, const std::string&, const std::string&, const ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList&);
+       bool remove_lua_action (const int);
+       bool lua_action_name (const int, std::string&);
+       std::vector<std::string> lua_action_names ();
+       bool lua_action (const int, std::string&, std::string&, ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList&);
+       sigc::signal<void,int,std::string> ActionChanged;
+       /* callbacks */
+       bool register_lua_slot (const std::string&, const std::string&, const ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList&);
+       bool unregister_lua_slot (const PBD::ID&);
+       std::vector<PBD::ID> lua_slots () const;
+       bool lua_slot_name (const PBD::ID&, std::string&) const;
+       std::vector<std::string> lua_slot_names () const;
+       bool lua_slot (const PBD::ID&, std::string&, std::string&, ActionHook&, ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList&);
+       sigc::signal<void,PBD::ID,std::string,ActionHook> SlotChanged;
+       LuaInstance();
+       static LuaInstance* _instance;
+       void init ();
+       void session_going_away ();
+       LuaState lua;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_call_action;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_add_action;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_del_action;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_get_action;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_load;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_save;
+       luabridge::LuaRef * _lua_clear;
+       LuaCallbackMap _callbacks;
+       PBD::ScopedConnectionList _slotcon;
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/luasignal.h b/gtk2_ardour/luasignal.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ef2de4f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Robin Gareus <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef _luasignal_h_
+#define _luasignal_h_
+namespace LuaSignal {
+#define ENGINE(name,c,p) name,
+#define STATIC(name,c,p) name,
+#define SESSION(name,c,p) name,
+       enum LuaSignal {
+#              include "luasignal_syms.h"
+               LAST_SIGNAL
+       };
+#undef ENGINE
+#undef SESSION
+#undef STATIC
+extern const char *luasignalstr[];
+inline const char* enum2str (LuaSignal i) { return luasignalstr[i]; }
+LuaSignal str2luasignal (const std::string &);
+} // namespace
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/luasignal_syms.h b/gtk2_ardour/luasignal_syms.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..85bed3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Robin Gareus <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+// editor
+#if 0
+STATIC(SessionLoad, &, 0)
+STATIC(SessionClose, &, 0)
+//STATIC(EverySecond, get_timers().second, 0) // XXX
+STATIC(ConfigChanged, &ARDOUR::Config->ParameterChanged, 1)
+// engine instance
+ENGINE(EngineRunning, Running, 0)
+ENGINE(EngineStopped, Stopped, 0)
+ENGINE(EngineHalted, Halted, 1)
+ENGINE(EngineDeviceListChanged, DeviceListChanged, 0)
+ENGINE(BufferSizeChanged, BufferSizeChanged, 1)
+ENGINE(SampleRateChanged, SampleRateChanged, 1)
+// session static
+STATIC(FeedbackDetected, &ARDOUR::Session::FeedbackDetected, 0)
+STATIC(SuccessfulGraphSort, &ARDOUR::Session::SuccessfulGraphSort, 0)
+STATIC(StartTimeChanged, &ARDOUR::Session::StartTimeChanged, 1)
+STATIC(EndTimeChanged, &ARDOUR::Session::EndTimeChanged, 1)
+STATIC(Exported, &ARDOUR::Session::Exported, 2)
+// session specific (re-subscribe when session changes)
+SESSION(SessionConfigChanged, config.ParameterChanged, 1)
+SESSION(TransportStateChange, TransportStateChange, 0)
+SESSION(DirtyChanged, DirtyChanged, 0)
+SESSION(StateSaved, StateSaved, 1)
+SESSION(Xrun, Xrun, 1)
+SESSION(TransportLooped, TransportLooped, 0)
+SESSION(SoloActive, SoloActive, 1)
+SESSION(SoloChanged, SoloChanged, 0)
+SESSION(IsolatedChanged, IsolatedChanged, 0)
+SESSION(MonitorChanged, MonitorChanged, 0)
+SESSION(RecordStateChanged, RecordStateChanged, 0)
+SESSION(RecordArmStateChanged, RecordArmStateChanged, 0)
+SESSION(AudioLoopLocationChanged, auto_loop_location_changed, 1)
+SESSION(AudioPunchLocationChanged, auto_punch_location_changed, 1)
+SESSION(LocationsModified, locations_modified, 0)
+SESSION(AuditionActive, AuditionActive, 1)
+SESSION(BundleAddedOrRemoved, BundleAddedOrRemoved, 0)
+SESSION(PositionChanged, PositionChanged, 1)
+SESSION(Located, Located, 0)
+SESSION(RoutesReconnected, session_routes_reconnected, 0)
+SESSION(RouteAdded, RouteAdded, 1)
+SESSION(RouteAddedOrRemoved, RouteAddedOrRemoved, 1)
+SESSION(RouteGroupPropertyChanged, RouteGroupPropertyChanged, 1)
+SESSION(RouteAddedToRouteGroup, RouteAddedToRouteGroup, 2)
+SESSION(RouteRemovedFromRouteGroup, RouteRemovedFromRouteGroup, 2)
+SESSION(StepEditStatusChange, StepEditStatusChange, 1)
+SESSION(RouteGroupAdded, route_group_added, 1)
+SESSION(RouteGroupRemoved, route_group_removed, 0)
+SESSION(RouteGroupsReordered, route_groups_reordered, 0)
+// route static globals
+STATIC(SyncOrderKeys, &Route::SyncOrderKeys, 0)
+// plugin manager instance
+STATIC(PluginListChanged, &(PluginManager::instance().PluginListChanged), 0)
+STATIC(PluginStatusesChanged, &(PluginManager::instance().PluginStatusesChanged), 0)
+// Diskstream static global
+STATIC(DiskOverrun, &ARDOUR::Diskstream::DiskOverrun, 0)
+STATIC(DiskUnderrun, &ARDOUR::Diskstream::DiskUnderrun, 0)
+// Region static
+STATIC(RegionPropertyChanged, &ARDOUR::Region::RegionPropertyChanged, 2)
+// TODO per track/route signals,
+// TODO per plugin actions / controllables
+// TODO per region actions
+//SESSIONOBJECT(PropertyChanged, &ARDOUR::Stateful::PropertyChanged, 1)
+// TODO any location action
index af4f2994b996064cf29553329b07581c692bb181..8d9a3362b4aac517ee068b0797a3a414682e2d97 100644 (file)
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ gtk2_ardour_sources = [
+        '',