ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Mixer Screenshot", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[Save a screenshot of the complete mixer-window, regardless of scrollbars or visible screen area]] } function factory () return function () local rv = LuaDialog.Dialog ("Save Mixer Screenshot", { { type = "createfile", key = "file", title = "", path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(Session:path(), "export", "mixer.png") }, }):run() if (rv) then if (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.file_test (rv['file'], ARDOUR.LuaAPI.FileTest.Exists)) then local ok = LuaDialog.Message ("File Exists", "File '".. rv['file'] .. "' exists.\nReplace?", LuaDialog.MessageType.Question, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Yes_No):run () if ok ~= LuaDialog.Response.Yes then return end end ArdourUI.mixer_screenshot (rv['file']) end collectgarbage () end end function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height, fg) local wh = math.min (width, height) * .5 ctx:translate (math.floor (width * .5 - wh), math.floor (height * .5 - wh)) ctx:rectangle (wh * .6, wh * .6, wh * .8, wh * .8) ctx:set_source_rgba (.1, .1, .1, 1) ctx:fill () ctx:set_line_width (1) ctx:set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1) ctx:move_to (wh * 0.3, wh * 0.6) ctx:line_to (wh * 1.5, wh * 0.6) ctx:line_to (wh * 1.5, wh * 1.7) ctx:stroke () ctx:move_to (wh * 0.6, wh * 0.3) ctx:line_to (wh * 0.6, wh * 1.4) ctx:line_to (wh * 1.8, wh * 1.4) ctx:stroke () end end