Rename subtitle appearance dialogue.
authorCarl Hetherington <>
Thu, 19 Jul 2018 21:47:38 +0000 (22:47 +0100)
committerCarl Hetherington <>
Thu, 19 Jul 2018 22:45:23 +0000 (23:45 +0100)
src/wx/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/wx/caption_appearance_dialog.h [new file with mode: 0644]
src/wx/ [deleted file]
src/wx/subtitle_appearance_dialog.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/wx/ b/src/wx/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9377fa6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Carl Hetherington <>
+    This file is part of DCP-o-matic.
+    DCP-o-matic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    DCP-o-matic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with DCP-o-matic.  If not, see <>.
+#include "caption_appearance_dialog.h"
+#include "rgba_colour_picker.h"
+#include "lib/text_caption_file_content.h"
+#include "lib/caption_content.h"
+#include "lib/ffmpeg_subtitle_stream.h"
+#include "lib/ffmpeg_content.h"
+#include <wx/wx.h>
+#include <wx/clrpicker.h>
+#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
+#include <wx/gbsizer.h>
+using std::map;
+using boost::shared_ptr;
+using boost::bind;
+using boost::dynamic_pointer_cast;
+using boost::optional;
+int const CaptionAppearanceDialog::NONE = 0;
+int const CaptionAppearanceDialog::OUTLINE = 1;
+int const CaptionAppearanceDialog::SHADOW = 2;
+CaptionAppearanceDialog::CaptionAppearanceDialog (wxWindow* parent, shared_ptr<Content> content)
+       : wxDialog (parent, wxID_ANY, _("Caption appearance"))
+       , _content (content)
+       shared_ptr<FFmpegContent> ff = dynamic_pointer_cast<FFmpegContent> (content);
+       if (ff) {
+               _stream = ff->subtitle_stream ();
+       }
+       wxSizer* overall_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
+       SetSizer (overall_sizer);
+       _table = new wxGridBagSizer (DCPOMATIC_SIZER_X_GAP, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_Y_GAP);
+       overall_sizer->Add (_table, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
+       int r = 0;
+       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Colour"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
+       _force_colour = set_to (_colour = new wxColourPickerCtrl (this, wxID_ANY), r);
+       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Effect"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
+       _force_effect = set_to (_effect = new wxChoice (this, wxID_ANY), r);
+       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Effect colour"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
+       _force_effect_colour = set_to (_effect_colour = new wxColourPickerCtrl (this, wxID_ANY), r);
+       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Outline width"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
+       _outline_width = new wxSpinCtrl (this, wxID_ANY);
+       _table->Add (_outline_width, wxGBPosition (r, 1));
+       ++r;
+       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Fade in time"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
+       _force_fade_in = set_to (_fade_in = new Timecode<ContentTime> (this), r);
+       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Fade out time"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
+       _force_fade_out = set_to (_fade_out = new Timecode<ContentTime> (this), r);
+       if (_stream) {
+               wxScrolled<wxPanel>* colours_panel = new wxScrolled<wxPanel> (this);
+               colours_panel->EnableScrolling (false, true);
+               colours_panel->ShowScrollbars (wxSHOW_SB_NEVER, wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS);
+               colours_panel->SetScrollRate (0, 16);
+               wxFlexGridSizer* table = new wxFlexGridSizer (2, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_X_GAP, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_Y_GAP);
+               table->AddGrowableCol (1, 1);
+               map<RGBA, RGBA> colours = _stream->colours ();
+               wxStaticText* t = new wxStaticText (colours_panel, wxID_ANY, "");
+               t->SetLabelMarkup (_("<b>Original colour</b>"));
+               table->Add (t, 1, wxEXPAND);
+               t = new wxStaticText (colours_panel, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL);
+               t->SetLabelMarkup (_("<b>New colour</b>"));
+               table->Add (t, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);
+               for (map<RGBA, RGBA>::const_iterator i = colours.begin(); i != colours.end(); ++i) {
+                       wxPanel* from = new wxPanel (colours_panel, wxID_ANY);
+                       from->SetBackgroundColour (wxColour (i->first.r, i->first.g, i->first.b, i->first.a));
+                       table->Add (from, 1, wxEXPAND);
+                       RGBAColourPicker* to = new RGBAColourPicker (colours_panel, i->second);
+                       table->Add (to, 1, wxEXPAND);
+                       _pickers[i->first] = to;
+               }
+               colours_panel->SetSizer (table);
+               overall_sizer->Add (colours_panel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
+               wxButton* restore = new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, _("Restore to original colours"));
+               restore->Bind (wxEVT_BUTTON, bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::restore, this));
+               overall_sizer->Add (restore, 0, wxALL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_X_GAP);
+       }
+       wxSizer* buttons = CreateSeparatedButtonSizer (wxOK);
+       if (buttons) {
+               overall_sizer->Add (buttons, wxSizerFlags().Expand().DoubleBorder());
+       }
+       overall_sizer->Layout ();
+       overall_sizer->SetSizeHints (this);
+       /* Keep these Appends() up to date with NONE/OUTLINE/SHADOW variables */
+       _effect->Append (_("None"));
+       _effect->Append (_("Outline"));
+       _effect->Append (_("Shadow"));;
+       optional<dcp::Colour> colour = _content->caption->colour();
+       _force_colour->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(colour));
+       if (colour) {
+               _colour->SetColour (wxColour (colour->r, colour->g, colour->b));
+       } else {
+               _colour->SetColour (wxColour (255, 255, 255));
+       }
+       optional<dcp::Effect> effect = _content->caption->effect();
+       _force_effect->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(effect));
+       if (effect) {
+               switch (*effect) {
+               case dcp::NONE:
+                       _effect->SetSelection (NONE);
+                       break;
+               case dcp::BORDER:
+                       _effect->SetSelection (OUTLINE);
+                       break;
+               case dcp::SHADOW:
+                       _effect->SetSelection (SHADOW);
+                       break;
+               }
+       } else {
+               _effect->SetSelection (NONE);
+       }
+       optional<dcp::Colour> effect_colour = _content->caption->effect_colour();
+       _force_effect_colour->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(effect_colour));
+       if (effect_colour) {
+               _effect_colour->SetColour (wxColour (effect_colour->r, effect_colour->g, effect_colour->b));
+       } else {
+               _effect_colour->SetColour (wxColour (0, 0, 0));
+       }
+       optional<ContentTime> fade_in = _content->caption->fade_in();
+       _force_fade_in->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(fade_in));
+       if (fade_in) {
+               _fade_in->set (*fade_in, _content->active_video_frame_rate());
+       } else {
+               _fade_in->set (ContentTime(), _content->active_video_frame_rate());
+       }
+       optional<ContentTime> fade_out = _content->caption->fade_out();
+       _force_fade_out->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(fade_out));
+       if (fade_out) {
+               _fade_out->set (*fade_out, _content->active_video_frame_rate ());
+       } else {
+               _fade_out->set (ContentTime(), _content->active_video_frame_rate ());
+       }
+       _outline_width->SetValue (_content->caption->outline_width ());
+       _force_colour->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
+       _force_effect_colour->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
+       _force_effect->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
+       _force_fade_in->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
+       _force_fade_out->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
+       _effect->Bind (wxEVT_CHOICE, bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
+       _content_connection = _content->Changed.connect (bind (&CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
+       setup_sensitivity ();
+CaptionAppearanceDialog::set_to (wxWindow* w, int& r)
+       wxSizer* s = new wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL);
+       wxCheckBox* set_to = new wxCheckBox (this, wxID_ANY, _("Set to"));
+       s->Add (set_to, 0, wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 8);
+       s->Add (w, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
+       _table->Add (s, wxGBPosition (r, 1));
+       ++r;
+       return set_to;
+CaptionAppearanceDialog::apply ()
+       if (_force_colour->GetValue ()) {
+               wxColour const c = _colour->GetColour ();
+               _content->caption->set_colour (dcp::Colour (c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue()));
+       } else {
+               _content->caption->unset_colour ();
+       }
+       if (_force_effect->GetValue()) {
+               switch (_effect->GetSelection()) {
+               case NONE:
+                       _content->caption->set_effect (dcp::NONE);
+                       break;
+               case OUTLINE:
+                       _content->caption->set_effect (dcp::BORDER);
+                       break;
+               case SHADOW:
+                       _content->caption->set_effect (dcp::SHADOW);
+                       break;
+               }
+       } else {
+               _content->caption->unset_effect ();
+       }
+       if (_force_effect_colour->GetValue ()) {
+               wxColour const ec = _effect_colour->GetColour ();
+               _content->caption->set_effect_colour (dcp::Colour (ec.Red(), ec.Green(), ec.Blue()));
+       } else {
+               _content->caption->unset_effect_colour ();
+       }
+       if (_force_fade_in->GetValue ()) {
+               _content->caption->set_fade_in (_fade_in->get (_content->active_video_frame_rate ()));
+       } else {
+               _content->caption->unset_fade_in ();
+       }
+       if (_force_fade_out->GetValue ()) {
+               _content->caption->set_fade_out (_fade_out->get (_content->active_video_frame_rate ()));
+       } else {
+               _content->caption->unset_fade_out ();
+       }
+       _content->caption->set_outline_width (_outline_width->GetValue ());
+       if (_stream) {
+               for (map<RGBA, RGBAColourPicker*>::const_iterator i = _pickers.begin(); i != _pickers.end(); ++i) {
+                       _stream->set_colour (i->first, i->second->colour ());
+               }
+       }
+       shared_ptr<FFmpegContent> fc = dynamic_pointer_cast<FFmpegContent> (_content);
+       if (fc) {
+               fc->signal_subtitle_stream_changed ();
+       }
+CaptionAppearanceDialog::restore ()
+       for (map<RGBA, RGBAColourPicker*>::const_iterator i = _pickers.begin(); i != _pickers.end(); ++i) {
+               i->second->set (i->first);
+       }
+CaptionAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity ()
+       _colour->Enable (_force_colour->GetValue ());
+       _effect_colour->Enable (_force_effect_colour->GetValue ());
+       _effect->Enable (_force_effect->GetValue ());
+       _fade_in->Enable (_force_fade_in->GetValue ());
+       _fade_out->Enable (_force_fade_out->GetValue ());
+       bool const can_outline_width = _effect->GetSelection() == OUTLINE && _content->caption->burn ();
+       _outline_width->Enable (can_outline_width);
+       if (can_outline_width) {
+               _outline_width->UnsetToolTip ();
+       } else {
+               _outline_width->SetToolTip (_("Outline width cannot be set unless you are burning in captions"));
+       }
diff --git a/src/wx/caption_appearance_dialog.h b/src/wx/caption_appearance_dialog.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ebb7004
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Carl Hetherington <>
+    This file is part of DCP-o-matic.
+    DCP-o-matic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    DCP-o-matic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with DCP-o-matic.  If not, see <>.
+#include "timecode.h"
+#include "lib/rgba.h"
+#include <wx/wx.h>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+class wxRadioButton;
+class wxColourPickerCtrl;
+class wxGridBagSizer;
+class Content;
+class RGBAColourPicker;
+class FFmpegSubtitleStream;
+class wxCheckBox;
+class wxWidget;
+class CaptionAppearanceDialog : public wxDialog
+       CaptionAppearanceDialog (wxWindow* parent, boost::shared_ptr<Content> content);
+       void apply ();
+       void setup_sensitivity ();
+       void restore ();
+       wxCheckBox* set_to (wxWindow* w, int& r);
+       wxCheckBox* _force_colour;
+       wxColourPickerCtrl* _colour;
+       wxCheckBox* _force_effect;
+       wxChoice* _effect;
+       wxCheckBox* _force_effect_colour;
+       wxColourPickerCtrl* _effect_colour;
+       wxCheckBox* _force_fade_in;
+       Timecode<ContentTime>* _fade_in;
+       wxCheckBox* _force_fade_out;
+       Timecode<ContentTime>* _fade_out;
+       wxSpinCtrl* _outline_width;
+       wxGridBagSizer* _table;
+       std::map<RGBA, RGBAColourPicker*> _pickers;
+       boost::shared_ptr<Content> _content;
+       boost::shared_ptr<FFmpegSubtitleStream> _stream;
+       boost::signals2::scoped_connection _content_connection;
+       static int const NONE;
+       static int const OUTLINE;
+       static int const SHADOW;
index c70a9ad8c843368e483a4c179f57fe7ba2b7ab3a..64d9bee4a6aba9366c193c0374452b5f8a63165a 100644 (file)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "subtitle_view.h"
 #include "content_panel.h"
 #include "fonts_dialog.h"
-#include "subtitle_appearance_dialog.h"
+#include "caption_appearance_dialog.h"
 #include "lib/ffmpeg_content.h"
 #include "lib/text_caption_file_content.h"
 #include "lib/ffmpeg_subtitle_stream.h"
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ CaptionPanel::appearance_dialog_clicked ()
        ContentList c = _parent->selected_subtitle ();
        DCPOMATIC_ASSERT (c.size() == 1);
-       SubtitleAppearanceDialog* d = new SubtitleAppearanceDialog (this, c.front());
+       CaptionAppearanceDialog* d = new CaptionAppearanceDialog (this, c.front());
        if (d->ShowModal () == wxID_OK) {
                d->apply ();
diff --git a/src/wx/ b/src/wx/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c0a6a0d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-    Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Carl Hetherington <>
-    This file is part of DCP-o-matic.
-    DCP-o-matic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    DCP-o-matic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with DCP-o-matic.  If not, see <>.
-#include "subtitle_appearance_dialog.h"
-#include "rgba_colour_picker.h"
-#include "lib/text_caption_file_content.h"
-#include "lib/caption_content.h"
-#include "lib/ffmpeg_subtitle_stream.h"
-#include "lib/ffmpeg_content.h"
-#include <wx/wx.h>
-#include <wx/clrpicker.h>
-#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
-#include <wx/gbsizer.h>
-using std::map;
-using boost::shared_ptr;
-using boost::bind;
-using boost::dynamic_pointer_cast;
-using boost::optional;
-int const SubtitleAppearanceDialog::NONE = 0;
-int const SubtitleAppearanceDialog::OUTLINE = 1;
-int const SubtitleAppearanceDialog::SHADOW = 2;
-SubtitleAppearanceDialog::SubtitleAppearanceDialog (wxWindow* parent, shared_ptr<Content> content)
-       : wxDialog (parent, wxID_ANY, _("Subtitle appearance"))
-       , _content (content)
-       shared_ptr<FFmpegContent> ff = dynamic_pointer_cast<FFmpegContent> (content);
-       if (ff) {
-               _stream = ff->subtitle_stream ();
-       }
-       wxSizer* overall_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
-       SetSizer (overall_sizer);
-       _table = new wxGridBagSizer (DCPOMATIC_SIZER_X_GAP, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_Y_GAP);
-       overall_sizer->Add (_table, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
-       int r = 0;
-       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Colour"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
-       _force_colour = set_to (_colour = new wxColourPickerCtrl (this, wxID_ANY), r);
-       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Effect"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
-       _force_effect = set_to (_effect = new wxChoice (this, wxID_ANY), r);
-       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Effect colour"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
-       _force_effect_colour = set_to (_effect_colour = new wxColourPickerCtrl (this, wxID_ANY), r);
-       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Outline width"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
-       _outline_width = new wxSpinCtrl (this, wxID_ANY);
-       _table->Add (_outline_width, wxGBPosition (r, 1));
-       ++r;
-       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Fade in time"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
-       _force_fade_in = set_to (_fade_in = new Timecode<ContentTime> (this), r);
-       add_label_to_sizer (_table, this, _("Fade out time"), true, wxGBPosition (r, 0));
-       _force_fade_out = set_to (_fade_out = new Timecode<ContentTime> (this), r);
-       if (_stream) {
-               wxScrolled<wxPanel>* colours_panel = new wxScrolled<wxPanel> (this);
-               colours_panel->EnableScrolling (false, true);
-               colours_panel->ShowScrollbars (wxSHOW_SB_NEVER, wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS);
-               colours_panel->SetScrollRate (0, 16);
-               wxFlexGridSizer* table = new wxFlexGridSizer (2, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_X_GAP, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_Y_GAP);
-               table->AddGrowableCol (1, 1);
-               map<RGBA, RGBA> colours = _stream->colours ();
-               wxStaticText* t = new wxStaticText (colours_panel, wxID_ANY, "");
-               t->SetLabelMarkup (_("<b>Original colour</b>"));
-               table->Add (t, 1, wxEXPAND);
-               t = new wxStaticText (colours_panel, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL);
-               t->SetLabelMarkup (_("<b>New colour</b>"));
-               table->Add (t, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);
-               for (map<RGBA, RGBA>::const_iterator i = colours.begin(); i != colours.end(); ++i) {
-                       wxPanel* from = new wxPanel (colours_panel, wxID_ANY);
-                       from->SetBackgroundColour (wxColour (i->first.r, i->first.g, i->first.b, i->first.a));
-                       table->Add (from, 1, wxEXPAND);
-                       RGBAColourPicker* to = new RGBAColourPicker (colours_panel, i->second);
-                       table->Add (to, 1, wxEXPAND);
-                       _pickers[i->first] = to;
-               }
-               colours_panel->SetSizer (table);
-               overall_sizer->Add (colours_panel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
-               wxButton* restore = new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, _("Restore to original colours"));
-               restore->Bind (wxEVT_BUTTON, bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::restore, this));
-               overall_sizer->Add (restore, 0, wxALL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_X_GAP);
-       }
-       wxSizer* buttons = CreateSeparatedButtonSizer (wxOK);
-       if (buttons) {
-               overall_sizer->Add (buttons, wxSizerFlags().Expand().DoubleBorder());
-       }
-       overall_sizer->Layout ();
-       overall_sizer->SetSizeHints (this);
-       /* Keep these Appends() up to date with NONE/OUTLINE/SHADOW variables */
-       _effect->Append (_("None"));
-       _effect->Append (_("Outline"));
-       _effect->Append (_("Shadow"));;
-       optional<dcp::Colour> colour = _content->caption->colour();
-       _force_colour->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(colour));
-       if (colour) {
-               _colour->SetColour (wxColour (colour->r, colour->g, colour->b));
-       } else {
-               _colour->SetColour (wxColour (255, 255, 255));
-       }
-       optional<dcp::Effect> effect = _content->caption->effect();
-       _force_effect->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(effect));
-       if (effect) {
-               switch (*effect) {
-               case dcp::NONE:
-                       _effect->SetSelection (NONE);
-                       break;
-               case dcp::BORDER:
-                       _effect->SetSelection (OUTLINE);
-                       break;
-               case dcp::SHADOW:
-                       _effect->SetSelection (SHADOW);
-                       break;
-               }
-       } else {
-               _effect->SetSelection (NONE);
-       }
-       optional<dcp::Colour> effect_colour = _content->caption->effect_colour();
-       _force_effect_colour->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(effect_colour));
-       if (effect_colour) {
-               _effect_colour->SetColour (wxColour (effect_colour->r, effect_colour->g, effect_colour->b));
-       } else {
-               _effect_colour->SetColour (wxColour (0, 0, 0));
-       }
-       optional<ContentTime> fade_in = _content->caption->fade_in();
-       _force_fade_in->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(fade_in));
-       if (fade_in) {
-               _fade_in->set (*fade_in, _content->active_video_frame_rate());
-       } else {
-               _fade_in->set (ContentTime(), _content->active_video_frame_rate());
-       }
-       optional<ContentTime> fade_out = _content->caption->fade_out();
-       _force_fade_out->SetValue (static_cast<bool>(fade_out));
-       if (fade_out) {
-               _fade_out->set (*fade_out, _content->active_video_frame_rate ());
-       } else {
-               _fade_out->set (ContentTime(), _content->active_video_frame_rate ());
-       }
-       _outline_width->SetValue (_content->caption->outline_width ());
-       _force_colour->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
-       _force_effect_colour->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
-       _force_effect->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
-       _force_fade_in->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
-       _force_fade_out->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
-       _effect->Bind (wxEVT_CHOICE, bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
-       _content_connection = _content->Changed.connect (bind (&SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity, this));
-       setup_sensitivity ();
-SubtitleAppearanceDialog::set_to (wxWindow* w, int& r)
-       wxSizer* s = new wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL);
-       wxCheckBox* set_to = new wxCheckBox (this, wxID_ANY, _("Set to"));
-       s->Add (set_to, 0, wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 8);
-       s->Add (w, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
-       _table->Add (s, wxGBPosition (r, 1));
-       ++r;
-       return set_to;
-SubtitleAppearanceDialog::apply ()
-       if (_force_colour->GetValue ()) {
-               wxColour const c = _colour->GetColour ();
-               _content->caption->set_colour (dcp::Colour (c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue()));
-       } else {
-               _content->caption->unset_colour ();
-       }
-       if (_force_effect->GetValue()) {
-               switch (_effect->GetSelection()) {
-               case NONE:
-                       _content->caption->set_effect (dcp::NONE);
-                       break;
-               case OUTLINE:
-                       _content->caption->set_effect (dcp::BORDER);
-                       break;
-               case SHADOW:
-                       _content->caption->set_effect (dcp::SHADOW);
-                       break;
-               }
-       } else {
-               _content->caption->unset_effect ();
-       }
-       if (_force_effect_colour->GetValue ()) {
-               wxColour const ec = _effect_colour->GetColour ();
-               _content->caption->set_effect_colour (dcp::Colour (ec.Red(), ec.Green(), ec.Blue()));
-       } else {
-               _content->caption->unset_effect_colour ();
-       }
-       if (_force_fade_in->GetValue ()) {
-               _content->caption->set_fade_in (_fade_in->get (_content->active_video_frame_rate ()));
-       } else {
-               _content->caption->unset_fade_in ();
-       }
-       if (_force_fade_out->GetValue ()) {
-               _content->caption->set_fade_out (_fade_out->get (_content->active_video_frame_rate ()));
-       } else {
-               _content->caption->unset_fade_out ();
-       }
-       _content->caption->set_outline_width (_outline_width->GetValue ());
-       if (_stream) {
-               for (map<RGBA, RGBAColourPicker*>::const_iterator i = _pickers.begin(); i != _pickers.end(); ++i) {
-                       _stream->set_colour (i->first, i->second->colour ());
-               }
-       }
-       shared_ptr<FFmpegContent> fc = dynamic_pointer_cast<FFmpegContent> (_content);
-       if (fc) {
-               fc->signal_subtitle_stream_changed ();
-       }
-SubtitleAppearanceDialog::restore ()
-       for (map<RGBA, RGBAColourPicker*>::const_iterator i = _pickers.begin(); i != _pickers.end(); ++i) {
-               i->second->set (i->first);
-       }
-SubtitleAppearanceDialog::setup_sensitivity ()
-       _colour->Enable (_force_colour->GetValue ());
-       _effect_colour->Enable (_force_effect_colour->GetValue ());
-       _effect->Enable (_force_effect->GetValue ());
-       _fade_in->Enable (_force_fade_in->GetValue ());
-       _fade_out->Enable (_force_fade_out->GetValue ());
-       bool const can_outline_width = _effect->GetSelection() == OUTLINE && _content->caption->burn ();
-       _outline_width->Enable (can_outline_width);
-       if (can_outline_width) {
-               _outline_width->UnsetToolTip ();
-       } else {
-               _outline_width->SetToolTip (_("Outline width cannot be set unless you are burning in captions"));
-       }
diff --git a/src/wx/subtitle_appearance_dialog.h b/src/wx/subtitle_appearance_dialog.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a1a3128..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-    Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Carl Hetherington <>
-    This file is part of DCP-o-matic.
-    DCP-o-matic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    DCP-o-matic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with DCP-o-matic.  If not, see <>.
-#include "timecode.h"
-#include "lib/rgba.h"
-#include <wx/wx.h>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
-class wxRadioButton;
-class wxColourPickerCtrl;
-class wxGridBagSizer;
-class Content;
-class RGBAColourPicker;
-class FFmpegSubtitleStream;
-class wxCheckBox;
-class wxWidget;
-class SubtitleAppearanceDialog : public wxDialog
-       SubtitleAppearanceDialog (wxWindow* parent, boost::shared_ptr<Content> content);
-       void apply ();
-       void setup_sensitivity ();
-       void restore ();
-       wxCheckBox* set_to (wxWindow* w, int& r);
-       wxCheckBox* _force_colour;
-       wxColourPickerCtrl* _colour;
-       wxCheckBox* _force_effect;
-       wxChoice* _effect;
-       wxCheckBox* _force_effect_colour;
-       wxColourPickerCtrl* _effect_colour;
-       wxCheckBox* _force_fade_in;
-       Timecode<ContentTime>* _fade_in;
-       wxCheckBox* _force_fade_out;
-       Timecode<ContentTime>* _fade_out;
-       wxSpinCtrl* _outline_width;
-       wxGridBagSizer* _table;
-       std::map<RGBA, RGBAColourPicker*> _pickers;
-       boost::shared_ptr<Content> _content;
-       boost::shared_ptr<FFmpegSubtitleStream> _stream;
-       boost::signals2::scoped_connection _content_connection;
-       static int const NONE;
-       static int const OUTLINE;
-       static int const SHADOW;
index 4eded300de54f3dfc865271a54e71a1cf833b71f..b89ad5c49d8cdab547a5c811b72d135b3e115dd5 100644 (file)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ sources = """
@@ -96,7 +97,6 @@ sources = """