Rename control_film_viewer file.
authorCarl Hetherington <>
Tue, 11 Sep 2018 00:31:30 +0000 (01:31 +0100)
committerCarl Hetherington <>
Tue, 11 Sep 2018 10:58:15 +0000 (11:58 +0100)
src/wx/ [deleted file]
src/wx/control_film_viewer.h [deleted file]
src/wx/ [new file with mode: 0644]

index d7862a803221278f864d1efb5ff49fefd0174593..27113eeab1e7c35071bf44f6a16e9fdcc82fccae 100644 (file)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
  *  @brief The main DCP-o-matic GUI.
-#include "wx/control_film_viewer.h"
+#include "wx/controls.h"
 #include "wx/film_viewer.h"
 #include "wx/film_editor.h"
 #include "wx/job_manager_view.h"
index a8895e8e8ff451500625ee4ccb2eb3fce9acfab9..d8c3c59fe0570f9572ebd3bee2560cdf49c205a1 100644 (file)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 #include "wx/update_dialog.h"
 #include "wx/player_config_dialog.h"
 #include "wx/verify_dcp_dialog.h"
-#include "wx/control_film_viewer.h"
+#include "wx/controls.h"
 #include "lib/cross.h"
 #include "lib/config.h"
 #include "lib/util.h"
diff --git a/src/wx/ b/src/wx/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c0dc53d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-#include "control_film_viewer.h"
-#include "film_viewer.h"
-#include "wx_util.h"
-#include "playhead_to_timecode_dialog.h"
-#include "playhead_to_frame_dialog.h"
-#include "lib/job_manager.h"
-#include <wx/wx.h>
-#include <wx/tglbtn.h>
-using std::string;
-using boost::optional;
-using boost::shared_ptr;
-using boost::weak_ptr;
-/** @param outline_content true if viewer should present an "outline content" checkbox.
- *  @param jump_to_selected true if viewer should present a "jump to selected" checkbox.
- */
-Controls::Controls (wxWindow* parent, shared_ptr<FilmViewer> viewer, bool outline_content, bool jump_to_selected)
-       : wxPanel (parent)
-       , _viewer (viewer)
-       , _slider_being_moved (false)
-       , _was_running_before_slider (false)
-       , _outline_content (0)
-       , _eye (0)
-       , _jump_to_selected (0)
-       , _slider (new wxSlider (this, wxID_ANY, 0, 0, 4096))
-       , _rewind_button (new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("|<")))
-       , _back_button (new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("<")))
-       , _forward_button (new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, wxT(">")))
-       , _frame_number (new wxStaticText (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("")))
-       , _timecode (new wxStaticText (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("")))
-       , _play_button (new wxToggleButton (this, wxID_ANY, _("Play")))
-       _v_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
-       SetSizer (_v_sizer);
-       wxBoxSizer* view_options = new wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL);
-       if (outline_content) {
-               _outline_content = new wxCheckBox (this, wxID_ANY, _("Outline content"));
-               view_options->Add (_outline_content, 0, wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
-       }
-       _eye = new wxChoice (this, wxID_ANY);
-       _eye->Append (_("Left"));
-       _eye->Append (_("Right"));
-       _eye->SetSelection (0);
-       view_options->Add (_eye, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
-       if (jump_to_selected) {
-               _jump_to_selected = new wxCheckBox (this, wxID_ANY, _("Jump to selected content"));
-               view_options->Add (_jump_to_selected, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
-       }
-       _v_sizer->Add (view_options, 0, wxALL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
-       wxBoxSizer* h_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL);
-       wxBoxSizer* time_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
-       time_sizer->Add (_frame_number, 0, wxEXPAND);
-       time_sizer->Add (_timecode, 0, wxEXPAND);
-       h_sizer->Add (_rewind_button, 0, wxALL, 2);
-       h_sizer->Add (_back_button, 0, wxALL, 2);
-       h_sizer->Add (time_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND);
-       h_sizer->Add (_forward_button, 0, wxALL, 2);
-       h_sizer->Add (_play_button, 0, wxEXPAND);
-       h_sizer->Add (_slider, 1, wxEXPAND);
-       _v_sizer->Add (h_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 6);
-       _frame_number->SetMinSize (wxSize (84, -1));
-       _rewind_button->SetMinSize (wxSize (32, -1));
-       _back_button->SetMinSize (wxSize (32, -1));
-       _forward_button->SetMinSize (wxSize (32, -1));
-       _eye->Bind (wxEVT_CHOICE, boost::bind (&Controls::eye_changed, this));
-       if (_outline_content) {
-               _outline_content->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, boost::bind (&Controls::outline_content_changed, this));
-       }
-       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK,   boost::bind (&Controls::slider_moved,    this, false));
-       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP,       boost::bind (&Controls::slider_moved,    this, true));
-       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN,     boost::bind (&Controls::slider_moved,    this, true));
-       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE, boost::bind (&Controls::slider_released, this));
-       _play_button->Bind      (wxEVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,        boost::bind (&Controls::play_clicked,    this));
-       _rewind_button->Bind    (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::rewind_clicked,  this, _1));
-       _back_button->Bind      (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::back_clicked,    this, _1));
-       _forward_button->Bind   (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::forward_clicked, this, _1));
-       _frame_number->Bind     (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::frame_number_clicked, this));
-       _timecode->Bind         (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::timecode_clicked, this));
-       if (_jump_to_selected) {
-               _jump_to_selected->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, boost::bind (&Controls::jump_to_selected_clicked, this));
-               _jump_to_selected->SetValue (Config::instance()->jump_to_selected ());
-       }
-       _viewer->PositionChanged.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::position_changed, this));
-       _viewer->Started.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::started, this));
-       _viewer->Stopped.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::stopped, this));
-       _viewer->FilmChanged.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::film_changed, this));
-       film_changed ();
-       setup_sensitivity ();
-       JobManager::instance()->ActiveJobsChanged.connect (
-               bind (&Controls::active_jobs_changed, this, _2)
-               );
-Controls::started ()
-       _play_button->SetValue (true);
-Controls::stopped ()
-       _play_button->SetValue (false);
-Controls::position_changed ()
-       update_position_label ();
-       update_position_slider ();
-Controls::eye_changed ()
-       _viewer->set_eyes (_eye->GetSelection() == 0 ? EYES_LEFT : EYES_RIGHT);
-Controls::outline_content_changed ()
-       _viewer->set_outline_content (_outline_content->GetValue());
-Controls::film_change (ChangeType type, Film::Property p)
-       if (type != CHANGE_TYPE_DONE) {
-               return;
-       }
-       if (p == Film::CONTENT || p == Film::THREE_D) {
-               setup_sensitivity ();
-       }
-/** @param page true if this was a PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN event for which we won't receive a THUMBRELEASE */
-Controls::slider_moved (bool page)
-       if (!_film) {
-               return;
-       }
-       if (!page && !_slider_being_moved) {
-               /* This is the first event of a drag; stop playback for the duration of the drag */
-               _was_running_before_slider = _viewer->stop ();
-               _slider_being_moved = true;
-       }
-       DCPTime t (_slider->GetValue() * _film->length().get() / 4096);
-       t = t.round (_film->video_frame_rate());
-       /* Ensure that we hit the end of the film at the end of the slider */
-       if (t >= _film->length ()) {
-               t = _film->length() - _viewer->one_video_frame();
-       }
-       _viewer->seek (t, false);
-       update_position_label ();
-Controls::slider_released ()
-       if (_was_running_before_slider) {
-               /* Restart after a drag */
-               _viewer->start ();
-       }
-       _slider_being_moved = false;
-Controls::play_clicked ()
-       check_play_state ();
-Controls::check_play_state ()
-       if (!_film || _film->video_frame_rate() == 0) {
-               return;
-       }
-       if (_play_button->GetValue()) {
-               _viewer->start ();
-       } else {
-               _viewer->stop ();
-       }
-Controls::update_position_slider ()
-       if (!_film) {
-               _slider->SetValue (0);
-               return;
-       }
-       DCPTime const len = _film->length ();
-       if (len.get ()) {
-               int const new_slider_position = 4096 * _viewer->video_position().get() / len.get();
-               if (new_slider_position != _slider->GetValue()) {
-                       _slider->SetValue (new_slider_position);
-               }
-       }
-Controls::update_position_label ()
-       if (!_film) {
-               _frame_number->SetLabel ("0");
-               _timecode->SetLabel ("0:0:0.0");
-               return;
-       }
-       double const fps = _film->video_frame_rate ();
-       /* Count frame number from 1 ... not sure if this is the best idea */
-       _frame_number->SetLabel (wxString::Format (wxT("%ld"), lrint (_viewer->video_position().seconds() * fps) + 1));
-       _timecode->SetLabel (time_to_timecode (_viewer->video_position(), fps));
-Controls::active_jobs_changed (optional<string> j)
-       /* examine content is the only job which stops the viewer working */
-       bool const a = !j || *j != "examine_content";
-       _slider->Enable (a);
-       _play_button->Enable (a);
-Controls::nudge_amount (wxKeyboardState& ev)
-       DCPTime amount = _viewer->one_video_frame ();
-       if (ev.ShiftDown() && !ev.ControlDown()) {
-               amount = DCPTime::from_seconds (1);
-       } else if (!ev.ShiftDown() && ev.ControlDown()) {
-               amount = DCPTime::from_seconds (10);
-       } else if (ev.ShiftDown() && ev.ControlDown()) {
-               amount = DCPTime::from_seconds (60);
-       }
-       return amount;
-Controls::rewind_clicked (wxMouseEvent& ev)
-       _viewer->go_to (DCPTime());
-       ev.Skip();
-Controls::back_frame ()
-       _viewer->move (-_viewer->one_video_frame());
-Controls::forward_frame ()
-       _viewer->move (_viewer->one_video_frame());
-Controls::back_clicked (wxKeyboardState& ev)
-       _viewer->move (-nudge_amount(ev));
-Controls::forward_clicked (wxKeyboardState& ev)
-       _viewer->move (nudge_amount(ev));
-Controls::setup_sensitivity ()
-       bool const c = _film && !_film->content().empty ();
-       _slider->Enable (c);
-       _rewind_button->Enable (c);
-       _back_button->Enable (c);
-       _forward_button->Enable (c);
-       _play_button->Enable (c);
-       if (_outline_content) {
-               _outline_content->Enable (c);
-       }
-       _frame_number->Enable (c);
-       _timecode->Enable (c);
-       if (_jump_to_selected) {
-               _jump_to_selected->Enable (c);
-       }
-       _eye->Enable (c && _film->three_d ());
-Controls::timecode_clicked ()
-       PlayheadToTimecodeDialog* dialog = new PlayheadToTimecodeDialog (this, _film->video_frame_rate ());
-       if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
-               _viewer->go_to (dialog->get ());
-       }
-       dialog->Destroy ();
-Controls::frame_number_clicked ()
-       PlayheadToFrameDialog* dialog = new PlayheadToFrameDialog (this, _film->video_frame_rate ());
-       if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
-               _viewer->go_to (dialog->get ());
-       }
-       dialog->Destroy ();
-Controls::jump_to_selected_clicked ()
-       Config::instance()->set_jump_to_selected (_jump_to_selected->GetValue ());
-Controls::film_changed ()
-       shared_ptr<Film> film = _viewer->film ();
-       if (_film == film) {
-               return;
-       }
-       _film = film;
-       setup_sensitivity ();
-       update_position_slider ();
-       update_position_label ();
-       _film->Change.connect (boost::bind (&Controls::film_change, this, _1, _2));
-Controls::film () const
-       return _film;
diff --git a/src/wx/control_film_viewer.h b/src/wx/control_film_viewer.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1795612..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#include "lib/dcpomatic_time.h"
-#include "lib/types.h"
-#include "lib/film.h"
-#include <wx/wx.h>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
-class FilmViewer;
-class Film;
-class ClosedCaptionsDialog;
-class Content;
-class PlayerVideo;
-class wxToggleButton;
-class Controls : public wxPanel
-       Controls (wxWindow* parent, boost::shared_ptr<FilmViewer>, bool outline_content = true, bool jump_to_selected = true);
-       boost::shared_ptr<Film> film () const;
-       void back_frame ();
-       void forward_frame ();
-       void update_position_label ();
-       void update_position_slider ();
-       void rewind_clicked (wxMouseEvent &);
-       void back_clicked (wxKeyboardState& s);
-       void forward_clicked (wxKeyboardState &);
-       void slider_moved (bool page);
-       void slider_released ();
-       void play_clicked ();
-       void frame_number_clicked ();
-       void jump_to_selected_clicked ();
-       void setup_sensitivity ();
-       void timecode_clicked ();
-       void check_play_state ();
-       void active_jobs_changed (boost::optional<std::string>);
-       DCPTime nudge_amount (wxKeyboardState& ev);
-       void image_changed (boost::weak_ptr<PlayerVideo>);
-       void film_change (ChangeType type, Film::Property p);
-       void outline_content_changed ();
-       void eye_changed ();
-       void position_changed ();
-       void started ();
-       void stopped ();
-       void film_changed ();
-       boost::shared_ptr<Film> _film;
-       boost::shared_ptr<FilmViewer> _viewer;
-       wxSizer* _v_sizer;
-       bool _slider_being_moved;
-       bool _was_running_before_slider;
-       wxCheckBox* _outline_content;
-       wxChoice* _eye;
-       wxCheckBox* _jump_to_selected;
-       wxSlider* _slider;
-       wxButton* _rewind_button;
-       wxButton* _back_button;
-       wxButton* _forward_button;
-       wxStaticText* _frame_number;
-       wxStaticText* _timecode;
-       wxToggleButton* _play_button;
-       ClosedCaptionsDialog* _closed_captions_dialog;
diff --git a/src/wx/ b/src/wx/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1bb3c41
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#include "controls.h"
+#include "film_viewer.h"
+#include "wx_util.h"
+#include "playhead_to_timecode_dialog.h"
+#include "playhead_to_frame_dialog.h"
+#include "lib/job_manager.h"
+#include <wx/wx.h>
+#include <wx/tglbtn.h>
+using std::string;
+using boost::optional;
+using boost::shared_ptr;
+using boost::weak_ptr;
+/** @param outline_content true if viewer should present an "outline content" checkbox.
+ *  @param jump_to_selected true if viewer should present a "jump to selected" checkbox.
+ */
+Controls::Controls (wxWindow* parent, shared_ptr<FilmViewer> viewer, bool outline_content, bool jump_to_selected)
+       : wxPanel (parent)
+       , _viewer (viewer)
+       , _slider_being_moved (false)
+       , _was_running_before_slider (false)
+       , _outline_content (0)
+       , _eye (0)
+       , _jump_to_selected (0)
+       , _slider (new wxSlider (this, wxID_ANY, 0, 0, 4096))
+       , _rewind_button (new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("|<")))
+       , _back_button (new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("<")))
+       , _forward_button (new wxButton (this, wxID_ANY, wxT(">")))
+       , _frame_number (new wxStaticText (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("")))
+       , _timecode (new wxStaticText (this, wxID_ANY, wxT("")))
+       , _play_button (new wxToggleButton (this, wxID_ANY, _("Play")))
+       _v_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
+       SetSizer (_v_sizer);
+       wxBoxSizer* view_options = new wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL);
+       if (outline_content) {
+               _outline_content = new wxCheckBox (this, wxID_ANY, _("Outline content"));
+               view_options->Add (_outline_content, 0, wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
+       }
+       _eye = new wxChoice (this, wxID_ANY);
+       _eye->Append (_("Left"));
+       _eye->Append (_("Right"));
+       _eye->SetSelection (0);
+       view_options->Add (_eye, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
+       if (jump_to_selected) {
+               _jump_to_selected = new wxCheckBox (this, wxID_ANY, _("Jump to selected content"));
+               view_options->Add (_jump_to_selected, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
+       }
+       _v_sizer->Add (view_options, 0, wxALL, DCPOMATIC_SIZER_GAP);
+       wxBoxSizer* h_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL);
+       wxBoxSizer* time_sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
+       time_sizer->Add (_frame_number, 0, wxEXPAND);
+       time_sizer->Add (_timecode, 0, wxEXPAND);
+       h_sizer->Add (_rewind_button, 0, wxALL, 2);
+       h_sizer->Add (_back_button, 0, wxALL, 2);
+       h_sizer->Add (time_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND);
+       h_sizer->Add (_forward_button, 0, wxALL, 2);
+       h_sizer->Add (_play_button, 0, wxEXPAND);
+       h_sizer->Add (_slider, 1, wxEXPAND);
+       _v_sizer->Add (h_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 6);
+       _frame_number->SetMinSize (wxSize (84, -1));
+       _rewind_button->SetMinSize (wxSize (32, -1));
+       _back_button->SetMinSize (wxSize (32, -1));
+       _forward_button->SetMinSize (wxSize (32, -1));
+       _eye->Bind (wxEVT_CHOICE, boost::bind (&Controls::eye_changed, this));
+       if (_outline_content) {
+               _outline_content->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, boost::bind (&Controls::outline_content_changed, this));
+       }
+       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK,   boost::bind (&Controls::slider_moved,    this, false));
+       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP,       boost::bind (&Controls::slider_moved,    this, true));
+       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN,     boost::bind (&Controls::slider_moved,    this, true));
+       _slider->Bind           (wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE, boost::bind (&Controls::slider_released, this));
+       _play_button->Bind      (wxEVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,        boost::bind (&Controls::play_clicked,    this));
+       _rewind_button->Bind    (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::rewind_clicked,  this, _1));
+       _back_button->Bind      (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::back_clicked,    this, _1));
+       _forward_button->Bind   (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::forward_clicked, this, _1));
+       _frame_number->Bind     (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::frame_number_clicked, this));
+       _timecode->Bind         (wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,           boost::bind (&Controls::timecode_clicked, this));
+       if (_jump_to_selected) {
+               _jump_to_selected->Bind (wxEVT_CHECKBOX, boost::bind (&Controls::jump_to_selected_clicked, this));
+               _jump_to_selected->SetValue (Config::instance()->jump_to_selected ());
+       }
+       _viewer->PositionChanged.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::position_changed, this));
+       _viewer->Started.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::started, this));
+       _viewer->Stopped.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::stopped, this));
+       _viewer->FilmChanged.connect (boost::bind(&Controls::film_changed, this));
+       film_changed ();
+       setup_sensitivity ();
+       JobManager::instance()->ActiveJobsChanged.connect (
+               bind (&Controls::active_jobs_changed, this, _2)
+               );
+Controls::started ()
+       _play_button->SetValue (true);
+Controls::stopped ()
+       _play_button->SetValue (false);
+Controls::position_changed ()
+       update_position_label ();
+       update_position_slider ();
+Controls::eye_changed ()
+       _viewer->set_eyes (_eye->GetSelection() == 0 ? EYES_LEFT : EYES_RIGHT);
+Controls::outline_content_changed ()
+       _viewer->set_outline_content (_outline_content->GetValue());
+Controls::film_change (ChangeType type, Film::Property p)
+       if (type != CHANGE_TYPE_DONE) {
+               return;
+       }
+       if (p == Film::CONTENT || p == Film::THREE_D) {
+               setup_sensitivity ();
+       }
+/** @param page true if this was a PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN event for which we won't receive a THUMBRELEASE */
+Controls::slider_moved (bool page)
+       if (!_film) {
+               return;
+       }
+       if (!page && !_slider_being_moved) {
+               /* This is the first event of a drag; stop playback for the duration of the drag */
+               _was_running_before_slider = _viewer->stop ();
+               _slider_being_moved = true;
+       }
+       DCPTime t (_slider->GetValue() * _film->length().get() / 4096);
+       t = t.round (_film->video_frame_rate());
+       /* Ensure that we hit the end of the film at the end of the slider */
+       if (t >= _film->length ()) {
+               t = _film->length() - _viewer->one_video_frame();
+       }
+       _viewer->seek (t, false);
+       update_position_label ();
+Controls::slider_released ()
+       if (_was_running_before_slider) {
+               /* Restart after a drag */
+               _viewer->start ();
+       }
+       _slider_being_moved = false;
+Controls::play_clicked ()
+       check_play_state ();
+Controls::check_play_state ()
+       if (!_film || _film->video_frame_rate() == 0) {
+               return;
+       }
+       if (_play_button->GetValue()) {
+               _viewer->start ();
+       } else {
+               _viewer->stop ();
+       }
+Controls::update_position_slider ()
+       if (!_film) {
+               _slider->SetValue (0);
+               return;
+       }
+       DCPTime const len = _film->length ();
+       if (len.get ()) {
+               int const new_slider_position = 4096 * _viewer->video_position().get() / len.get();
+               if (new_slider_position != _slider->GetValue()) {
+                       _slider->SetValue (new_slider_position);
+               }
+       }
+Controls::update_position_label ()
+       if (!_film) {
+               _frame_number->SetLabel ("0");
+               _timecode->SetLabel ("0:0:0.0");
+               return;
+       }
+       double const fps = _film->video_frame_rate ();
+       /* Count frame number from 1 ... not sure if this is the best idea */
+       _frame_number->SetLabel (wxString::Format (wxT("%ld"), lrint (_viewer->video_position().seconds() * fps) + 1));
+       _timecode->SetLabel (time_to_timecode (_viewer->video_position(), fps));
+Controls::active_jobs_changed (optional<string> j)
+       /* examine content is the only job which stops the viewer working */
+       bool const a = !j || *j != "examine_content";
+       _slider->Enable (a);
+       _play_button->Enable (a);
+Controls::nudge_amount (wxKeyboardState& ev)
+       DCPTime amount = _viewer->one_video_frame ();
+       if (ev.ShiftDown() && !ev.ControlDown()) {
+               amount = DCPTime::from_seconds (1);
+       } else if (!ev.ShiftDown() && ev.ControlDown()) {
+               amount = DCPTime::from_seconds (10);
+       } else if (ev.ShiftDown() && ev.ControlDown()) {
+               amount = DCPTime::from_seconds (60);
+       }
+       return amount;
+Controls::rewind_clicked (wxMouseEvent& ev)
+       _viewer->go_to (DCPTime());
+       ev.Skip();
+Controls::back_frame ()
+       _viewer->move (-_viewer->one_video_frame());
+Controls::forward_frame ()
+       _viewer->move (_viewer->one_video_frame());
+Controls::back_clicked (wxKeyboardState& ev)
+       _viewer->move (-nudge_amount(ev));
+Controls::forward_clicked (wxKeyboardState& ev)
+       _viewer->move (nudge_amount(ev));
+Controls::setup_sensitivity ()
+       bool const c = _film && !_film->content().empty ();
+       _slider->Enable (c);
+       _rewind_button->Enable (c);
+       _back_button->Enable (c);
+       _forward_button->Enable (c);
+       _play_button->Enable (c);
+       if (_outline_content) {
+               _outline_content->Enable (c);
+       }
+       _frame_number->Enable (c);
+       _timecode->Enable (c);
+       if (_jump_to_selected) {
+               _jump_to_selected->Enable (c);
+       }
+       _eye->Enable (c && _film->three_d ());
+Controls::timecode_clicked ()
+       PlayheadToTimecodeDialog* dialog = new PlayheadToTimecodeDialog (this, _film->video_frame_rate ());
+       if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+               _viewer->go_to (dialog->get ());
+       }
+       dialog->Destroy ();
+Controls::frame_number_clicked ()
+       PlayheadToFrameDialog* dialog = new PlayheadToFrameDialog (this, _film->video_frame_rate ());
+       if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+               _viewer->go_to (dialog->get ());
+       }
+       dialog->Destroy ();
+Controls::jump_to_selected_clicked ()
+       Config::instance()->set_jump_to_selected (_jump_to_selected->GetValue ());
+Controls::film_changed ()
+       shared_ptr<Film> film = _viewer->film ();
+       if (_film == film) {
+               return;
+       }
+       _film = film;
+       setup_sensitivity ();
+       update_position_slider ();
+       update_position_label ();
+       _film->Change.connect (boost::bind (&Controls::film_change, this, _1, _2));
+Controls::film () const
+       return _film;
index 4877a4106b2d23146a1a4470e5d576aec44ce26b..ad0292a47988c1f3c2c5af9356f243044d5d4a5b 100644 (file)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ sources = """